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Everything posted by SuperDeathMonkey

  1. I have the black echo cranks 05 i think.
  2. Got frame yesterday courtesy of tartybikes. Just got to buy new bottom bracket as old one has thread stripped. I had a t-comp but it snapped.
  3. we have a big ass real one, however we can never be bothered to throw them out. There's two at the end of the garden from previous years.
  4. Me and my little brother will be coming definately
  5. Oh that was amazing, didn't they do one "How many chocolate liqueur's can a 12 year old eat before they're over the legal limit" god I miss TV sometimes
  6. Oh My GOD, watched it last night, I did not see that ending coming!!! I thought they were totally f**ked!!! Can't believe we're gonna have to wait till February for the next one
  7. Everyone here at Uni drinks bitter, it must be attracting the younger generation Personally I can't stand it You know your old when you sit at the bar of your local on your own
  8. Ben will be killed in due course They're pretty purple but only small blobs below the eyes, will definatly give the frozen spoon method a go Cheers
  9. yeah..... that would probably be more obvious than the black eyes
  10. Long story short, I got wasted on Friday, cracked my face on the floor and I now have two black eyes. This friday i'm going home and don't really want the awkward questions from my parents Any chance they might clear up by then, also is there anything I can do to speed it up Cheers
  11. I stuck bike trials into mine, most people don't know what it is so it's a good conversation starter I didn't send mine off till december last year and still got in fine
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm going to someone elses home this weekend!!!!
  13. I know i've been away for a month but you haven't gotten that good!! Sorry Joe but most of them are bollocks!! I'll beleive it when I see a video
  14. hows the try-all freewheel doing? a mint bike all you need is a monty stem then it would look the part.
  15. yeah, my little bro has a front freewheel and he was holding a cloth around the chain while spinning the wheel. as the chain moved around onto the freewheel his finger went with it and got caught between the freewheel and chain. it was pretty bad slightly different to your story but along the same lines.
  16. according to joe i will be attending also, however it depends, i may have people coming to visit me and it is likely i will be hungover
  17. errm... Lloyds???? Show us on a map please
  18. Been living in Bristol a week and loving every second. Haven't been out on my bike yet and I really don't know my way around or where the good spots are, so if any locals are around tomorrow would be nice to go for a ride Just let me know on MSN
  19. Just watched it, was bloody brilliant!!!!! What with the cages, and the little village????? So many new questions!!
  20. A well set up v-brake can work just as good as any magura
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