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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Everything posted by Has anyone seen my shoe?

  1. That Movie is sooooo wierd! But hilarious as well My Favorite bits........ You really have got to watch that its hilarious! Thanks, Callum
  2. Calm down baby, have a peice of cheese........... Thanks, Callum
  3. Callum Isaac Colchester Essex 07963153464 Thanks, Callum
  4. 'I aint getting on no plane fool, I aint getting on no plane' (N) Thanks, Callum
  5. Your Avatars? And the message underneath them? Mines from the Oat pee video. Found it hilarious so I paid my tribute! The Message is what he is saying at the time! Thanks, Callum
  6. Yeah I do too! :o I mean generally though for that type of group. Thanks, Callum
  7. I personally like them especially the killers
  8. He beat anorexia pretty good by the look of things! :o Thanks, Callum
  9. They did I've got the disk right next to me! Thanks, Callum EDIT: Im wrong thats the 95 one! :-
  10. Did anyone else think that he meant something else? :o Might just be me! :- Thanks, Callum
  11. Well done mate have you got a car? Thanks, Callum
  12. Stuck on stage 9 EDIT: Done :closedeyes: stuck on 11 now
  13. Guinea Pigs which are fat and lazy My dog lacy after haircut Other dog berny needing haircut I have got a tortiose aswell but my digital cameras broke. Thanks, Callum
  14. Does that on mine aswell tis abit strange Thanks, Callum
  15. Random :) Hilarious though Thanks, Callum
  16. Centre de l'information de touristes? In Spongebob Squarepants what instrument does the squid play Thanks, Callum
  17. Randomness is the reason behind mine. I was trying to make a hotmail account that didn't have any underscores or numbers or anything else than letters in it and my friend said how about I lost my shoe! That didn't work so I had to have I lost my left shoe. It then evolved from there on the various forums I signed up to! Thanks, Callum
  18. You're Listening to Take on me? :wink2:" Thanks, Callum
  19. Why? Peanut Butter! I love getting two slices put jam on one and peanut butter on the other then put them toghter like a sandwich! *burnt face man voice* YUM YUM Thanks, Callum
  20. I put Horlicks on mine! :P Works really well! Thanks, Callum
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