I have my new 05 team with rear profile, and im finding it very hard to get tension (Y) , At the minuite im running a fairly used kool chain and no chain tugs (yes i no this could be the problem i have no tension) but my gusset chaintugs will not go on the frame because of the dropouts. So at the minuite i am just having to pull my wheel back but this is causing my maguras to run very close to my tyres :blink:" .
Has anyone got any ideas please. I was thinking get a new chain, i was looking at the khe collapse chain or the shadow conspiracy chain (the one made up os half links), either file my gusset chain tugs to make them fit in my dropouts or get some try-all snail cam.
Thanks alot everyone.
p.s is it usual for a new profile to skip occasionly.
Thanks Peter