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Damon W

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Everything posted by Damon W

  1. echo urbans :shifty: tiz what ive got and many others use them without problems besides of coarse fat ROSSI !! the base fattys are prone to cracking aroung the fork leg!! :D
  2. after rounding my crank bolt off (driveside) whilst tightening it up :shifty: im gonna have to get it off!! ive tried drilling it to no avail, it just massacred all my drill bits and didnt get hardly anywere!! i tried it from the side were the bolt is and i tried drilling out the threads of the bolt by drilling through the bb from the otherside!! is there any other way of getting it out as i need it out asap! help appreciated :D
  3. cool good to hear it!! tell craig to come along aswell!! :shifty:
  4. yer Ben pull youre finger out!! stop getting stressed about not being able to do stuff knowone else does :P" lol nah ive found if im struggling to sidehop a wall ive already done before it REALLY pisses me off but, the more i get pissed off the more i put myself in to a bad state of mind and it ruins my ride for the rest of the day, just try and be more chilled :D OR vent youre aggression into power!!! grrrr :shifty: and get a big bike again tiz more fun!!! and youre taps were awesome!! B) :P
  5. Nice video Trav, good to see you loving the drop gaps and sidehops. btw what can you flat 2 flat static gap now? Really good riding there dude, awesome!!
  6. purspone it till the weekend and therel be loads of us, or come again on the weekend (Y)
  7. well ones for varnish and laquer for wood (brown) paint and varnish (yellow) you need the green one, which is all purpose paint and varnish remover ;) it says on the tin (Y)
  8. Just ‘warm up’ as normal THEN stretch as stretching before you ride is pointless as muscles should be warm when stretching. Just do all the normal stretches like touching you’re toes with straight legs and trying to touch the lower part of you’re shoulder blades with you’re arms. These make a huge difference physically AND phycalogically because it puts you into a good frame of mind knowing you’re willing to try and give you’re riding a boost by any means possible. ;) Stretch and reap the rewards (Y) :)
  9. i like few words there a bit random though: calling people 'moshers' lol :o , is ace as all the neds call us it. also saying 'great news' is another instead of like 'cool' or 'good' and general sarcasm is always good :lol:"
  10. the 6th is still on!! (Y) but for posh carl i will ride there again on the 13th :D :P :D" if anyone want to come then aswell? :P" Corish get ureself there you know it makes sense :) tiz a great place to ride!!
  11. anyone up for a Sheff ride Saturday the 6th August. There will be me and about 3 of the usual Hull lot :turned: anyone up for that........... should be good around 11:30 at the train station.. :D mint ..Damon
  12. tiz all a matter of opinion. but generally riser bars tilted forwards are far comfyer :turned: but, if you have flats they should be fully vertical. imo youre bike could be to long for you, in which case get a slighly shorter stem, or the front end could be to low for you(if its too low youle struggle to get the bike up to backwheel), if this is the case slap some spacers underneath youre stem! or get a higher rise stem such as pazzaz. :D :D
  13. ide go make a trials riders mecha, probs have some sick riding like: a wall ranging from 6" to 12ft in 1" increments and each increment would be 2 bike lengths long and 2 bike lengths wide. :turned: :( :D" (Y) and a trials shop open 24/7 next to it like Tartybikes with a really flirty/dirty receptionist :D (Y)" and a real "lifes ace" atmosphere by that i mean happy and comedy :-
  14. Yeh ile be there!!! :blink: :lol: and if anyone comes who doesnt know us, Burton is the fat kid on the Python who thinks he lives in my cupboard. (Y) and i am the guy on the toxsin.
  15. simply the toxsin 1 the end mine is: 1110mm wheelbase with echo urbans (Y) 385mm chainstays +20mm (roughly probs a bit less cos of my forks) and they are really really nice frames, with suprisingly good build qaulity for the price :sick: and the geometry is awesome for: taps sidehops gaps drop gaps transfers and general trials. the only thing is my general backwheel control is worse than on my t-rex! (Y) :)
  16. well yeh as Adam said 127.5mm is the best but also get the bb spacer to make sure (Y) you could bodge a shorter one(around 118mm+) with maybe 2 or 3 spacers but tiz not really advised. my mate did this on a trex but it creaked a fair bit, and came loose offen as there isnt as much thread in the frame. :)
  17. why do i go though crazy fazes? :P" ile leave it then i dont want a slack chain mid-gap. lol (Y) yepo dude im definately coming to the worlds (Y)
  18. http://www.whiteind.com/ENO_web/eno-index.html click on Eric's Eno does anyone use one? reviews welcome. as i was thinking of getting one. (Y)"
  19. Damon W

    New Pitbull

    like otheres have said though probably because he was running the zoo cnc stem, maybe would ride nice with a pazzaz or hifi stem :shifty: :rip:
  20. :rip: come on Tim you know it makes sense, and im sure Rossivan loves Leeds :shifty: ^_^ so the moral of the story is come to Leeds. :P
  21. like it!! besides the bar bar, stem and forks, koxx forks, bar and stem on a otherwise streetybike just dont go. its like putting crisps in cereal 'you just wouldnt do it' unless youre barmy. bit random metaphor but true. :S
  22. mint, anyone else coming, weres the usuall Leeds heads e.g Rossi, Chris, Tim, carl, nick & co?
  23. anyone fancy a Leeds ride on Sunday the 17th, if so meet at around 11:30 on the granite walls outside the station. there will be me (Damon Watson) Burton ( Danny Burton ont zoo python) the mexican (Chris Kilgar ont zoo pitbull) Ben ( Ben Lee ont echo team) post reply if youre coming :S cheers.
  24. Damon W

    My New Vid

    Yeh man, Burton has improved loads in the last few months his gaps and sidehops are getting awesome (Y) everyone saying theres no style or individuallity, imo is wrong, EVERYONE has there own style, and most people seem to either follow comp style or street style so knowone has individuallity, to a certain extent. but none of this matters, what does matter is that you have fun whilst you ride. :S
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