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Damon W

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Everything posted by Damon W

  1. overall good vid but didnt realise nick was into streety lines e.g manuels 2 sidehop 2 pedal 2 180 ect it got better towards the end when the riding turned more towards the traditional what pads are they on the aorta.
  2. if i think i can do something ile genrally try it mental courage should be judged on riding ability
  3. i just.... ride! weight train alittle! cant be arsed with flexibility trianing ect ect, i ride..thats it! would like to here about this mental trianing though
  4. haha what he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ shy or boring people need not apply see you bitches there homos.
  5. erm ive used: shimano deore and lx (not that there any difference) hope mono/xc Echo freehub king and now i use the hope pro 2 trials and prefere it over them all. deore = skipping,axle breaking & bearing collapsing hope mono = axles break, skip alot...ish echo freehub = dont mention it king = awesome BUT to "faffy" for my liking what with all the bedding in and needing a special tool to service it and the complicated design. Hope Trials = love mine yet to see how long they last, but on first impressions an awesome design based on the awesome mono verdict GET A HOPE PRO 2 TRIALS
  6. f**k me big interest see you guys there, were we meeting then? oh and just to clarify theres gonna be 2 guys on adamants, me(Damon) and Ben, im the one with black echo urbans just to clarify, incase any one gets confused. weres the usual London lot manning chai staples adrian jordan jonny jones simon (trials shack dude) ect ect would be nice to catch up
  7. righto heres the crack Me (Damon Watson), Ben travis (adamant head) and Andrew Spencer (bmx face) will be heading down to London on the 23rd of April... Ide like to get a big ride going again like last summer.because that was f**kin insane how many there was, best ride ever! so if youre gonna come get a reply up were shall we meet? ..shell centre..? we arrive at around 11am so what time shall we meet? and could some one give me there mobile number so i can call them to make sure their there on the day cheers!
  8. haha onza carbons are shit my first set cracked after a short while then i got replacements and after 3 weeks the were dead again get Zoo's
  9. read my first post silly i want to run zoo's
  10. yer that works BUT why not go for the sledgehammer/hammer approach bit of anger management
  11. BEN get a transition im getting a mongoose ritual zebber is no more!
  12. Damon W

    Junk Food

    erm i dont eat no junk food so heres the usual daily junk food list: before work i pop into the newsagent and spend £2 on sweets/drinks at dinner time i usually go to greegs for a sumwot more healthy approach = mexican chicken sarny t time is usually pasta or sunday t (even if its not sunday ) then this is the time it usually happens, after riding ile be dead and want sugar, so let the fridge raiding begin.............................. THE END
  13. haha top bannana and 3 thumbs up 2 manning for nearly getting that tap mustve been 55"-58" whats the actual height?
  14. haha decent riding there by all, But them sidehops were silly he was doing the silly benito thing were you purpusely make the back wheel hang on the edge so that you dont have to go as high tutut
  15. so is it only if you hit them they blow up or do they just pop off
  16. To be honest not that much scares me, i try most stuff i see but usually if i dont do it, its because im more bothered about "will this f**k my wheel up and will i have to wait a week for a new un" becuase i hate not riding if i had 4684864568 rear wheels ide be loving it!
  17. ive heard that bb7s little red adjusters pop off is this true thats why i said bb5 cos they dont have them
  18. Damon W

    White Lid

    use pvc paint or just look on the desired tin and itl usually say "for use on goths,moshers,chavs ect ect" as in itl tell you the intended use!
  19. righto im maybe looking into getting a disk. as i wonna run zoo forks! But i now know most disks role before they hault , i want a disk that LOCKS straight away, as i like doing gap 2 frontwheels (and stop not role) and gaps 2 front on rails. so as yet it seems itl be a avid bb5 or hope trials disk. are 180/185mm roters suitable or is it a 205/210mm rotor i should get? just a little queery, any help welcome!
  20. saracen xile snapped drop out off base ta 26 cracked planet x zebber mk 6 snapped downtube/toptube all shit frames i know
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