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Damon W

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Everything posted by Damon W

  1. mods jus aint coooooooooool bring the real mans bike
  2. yer im going to go bigger and ano yeh ide like to make a joint video with neil, we was talking about it before, but, i can never get intouch with him recently
  3. not yet it doesnt, still need a few things from tarty sooo all depends
  4. borrrrrrrrrring lol new bikes jus came :| woooooo
  5. salla ba do la bippaty boooo bipaty bumpety boooooooooooooo bumperooooooo =)
  6. vid was fun to watch didnt much enjoy the editing though, thought it was abit 'over edited' but thats preference isnt it riding was good wish the front brake wa betetr though, cud see ATLEAST an inch of role before it grabbed tutut vid was good! nice bike btw
  7. ayup i ride in Hull gettin new bike soon, so will meet up wi you if you like
  8. typhoon int goin anywere! its here too stay lol its because its the most succsessful high bb frame Deng makes and people know it has the edge over the old hifi's a1's pitbulls n all the resta the shizzna so it jus got continued as for the geometry its true 2 wheel balance lines are harder then on low bb bikes and backwheel, control is the same, bacause on low bb bikes i find u can bring the bars right into your chest. but i jus enjoy the way high bb rides, iv grown to like it and it ideal for my type of riding, so iv jus sticked to it, i hardly tap anyway, so dunt matter to me
  9. roof gap? dno were u mean? at what time in the video? i got rid off it, in antisipation for the 08, had things i wanted to do whilst having a break from trials i SHUD be at leeds ye
  10. MIGHT! its a big MIGHT! be able to mek it woooooooooooo really looking forward to this! all relys on Deng for me! shud b there if not enjoy your xmas everyone! wudda liked to cum for the banter but i SHUD b there!!!!:)
  11. no i didnt, im waiting to get the 08 un
  12. no it means im waiting for DENG! to send me a new bike yeh as for gaps to front, yeh i sure hope so, altho wouldnt say there 'monsterous' ide like to get bigger uns yet, got few planned like and sum big pasty gaps that people may recognize from a few things tiz shit without a bike
  13. were can i get them bars? i kno tarty got some in before, but they was the small rise ones, im after some like that, with big rise, like the old zoo uns
  14. riding style comes from being able to do it effortlessly, so u can concentrate on your style aslong as youre conshus (cant spell that word) of how u look in different positions youre on youre way, certain tweeks mek riding look amazing iv found personally i enjoy wen setting up for something , i enjoy stalling for as long as possible then propa exploding down into the preload hop as for clothes, i think trials as a whole most riders dress without care, which is bad, because like bmxers always usually loook stylish, a nice fitted tee shirt n jeans does the job, no gay ribos or out though, skate shoes all the way ony my opinion like jus watch videos and see whats styles you like and take inspiration from that in videos of past iv seen a few things i liked, so shaped them to suit me
  15. am fealing fruity £350 posted! an its ures
  16. ahahahah no rule 1 of fight club: dont go from stock to mod then back agen ule propa struggle gettin used to stock agen, cos mods r too easy too ride ule b sidding 68" but wen u get stock agen ule hate it and b on 3 blue pallets anyway. looks a ryt beast, looks like one a cls's bikes
  17. as sed in the first thing ridden street on it when i first got it a handful of times EVERYTHING on it is perfect condition
  18. lol yeh its nice, rolls real smooth! slick tyres u sayyyy manuels for AGES! selling it! OFFERS! OFFERS!
  19. im not blacklisted i jus dent go on the scroll down menu.lololol! so there its fully standard besides its got plazmatic crvees in the rear and taken the front brake off (can b put back on though if wanted) ridden it 4 times on the street, othertimes hav been jus to work and back, rides a dream, perfect condition
  20. 400 posted less then a month old
  21. Dmr transition, rides a dreaaaaaam cudnt seem to do it on classifeids bit. but killing 2 birds with 1 stone here here it is and btw its for sale
  22. this doesnt bother me in the slightest, as its an OPINION! everyone is entitled to one, its just my lingo and the way i speak as for me not releasing them if im not happy with them no im not happy enuff to call it video 7 no, but im happy enuff to release them as a clips video, but myself dont enjoy them, and people was hassling me on msn, everyday to release some media, so................ i did anyway, i dont want to make a bad inpression on anybody her, thats not who i am, but i AM entitled to be myself surely, if you dont like the topic dont read it and thats not meant with ANY attitude what so ever
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