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Damon W

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Everything posted by Damon W

  1. that was really really good phil, youre propa sick now pal! vid was mint ricks good n all! might get one o those cameras sick as fuk!
  2. boys QWITE OBVIOUSLY got skills, BUT!, i struggled watching the video, the songs wernt to my liking Loved the boys naturally agressive riding though! :0
  3. gonna miss him so shit hes gone R.I.P PAL!
  4. i want to come but i dont think ile be able too broke my hand n waiting for deng for a bike BUT im temped to come to make a vid hmmmmmm
  5. Taps suck! and I suck @ taps , hence me not having any! lol sure how many you want? im ovulating at the min
  6. was GOBSMACKED! reminded me of cls end of video awesome JUST WHAT A VIDEO SHOULD BE LIKE! really wonna go ride now you fanny ;( that was inspiring!
  7. yep, them green ones that have echo badge ont side yep hate grinds now
  8. im looking to see what the trials scene is like in barnsley? anyone from there on here who rides often? it good to ride? might be making some visits up there soon you see
  9. erm took about 5 goes, first go i decked it, n the other 2 i got on but couldnt keep it, 4th go & 5th go i got it isnt vid 8 because im not happy with it, havnt got all the clips i wanted, but bikes in a rather bad state now, so when i get it fixed gonna start a fresh with video 8 its the one next to the 60" its 58" couldnt keep the 60 one or get right ontop, al keep trying.. yeh 2006 viz max bars! oh god there good, had em 6 month n they still ant bent, PROPA STIFF! got last set off dan ko, same geo as 2006 zoo, but thicker material thanks for comments so far, so i see people would like more tech stuff. well thats fine, cos im really startin to enjoy the stuff like that, but imi not going to stop doing the thug stuff, gonna be like half n half
  10. i enjoy tryna do both vid 8 will be a mix
  11. short vid from me before i start filming for video 8 Trials-Forum Video ->Full View • Download • Upload comments?
  12. just got in from night out massivley drunk, on my fonem, dno y am on ere, but meh time isit? o dear rooms all over the place, need a piss
  13. plaz crms smooth rim zoo'z smooth rim iv ran both these on black sidewalls works well im running the newest zoo'z now, the ones people say are shit, but meh, i think there alright
  14. Damon W

    Damon Video 7

    i do lats work alot (back) seated rows, single arm rows, lat pulldowns, 21's (bicep curls), i do benh presses n stuff, but i mainly do PULLING stuff, not pushing, oh and i do weighted squats at home with 60kg on my back, and i lower downa s far as poss then explode up as powerfully as poss n do 5 sets of 6 lol! dont worry cap i did used to love meetin u lot of slags in leeds too! we shud do it agen fatty!
  15. dunt matter how wide the ratchet is, i dont think the ratchet/pawl would click out on one side, unless u distorted it anyway, i had an echo one, lasted 2 hours literally, then the hub snapped inhalf then i got a gu one, to see if it was fluke, snapped the shell in half, snapped 2 of the pawls and threaded the axle COMPLETE PILE OF DOG EXCREMENT! imo ovcourse
  16. put ur bum away! NICE sidehops! u luv em, abit toooooo much
  17. yer goin up onto a wall, cos u dont have to think about puttin the bak end bak down for the landing i think a tf unofficial record thing wud be gud! but i think itl cuaze alot of contraversy
  18. concentrate (if its to improve trials) on LATIMUSS DORSI QUADS SHOULDERS i train my back more then anything, love it, can shift alot of weight too with big musces my favrut is the bent over row, search it on u pube and squats!
  19. hi im just curious now as what the world records currently stand at for (any bike just biggest and who by): sidehop over? Sidehop up onto? flat to flat gap to rear? flat to flat gap to front? tap to rear? hook? biggest drop to concrete or grass? ive searchd but there seems to be mixed opinion of things, and i just want HARD FACTs! lol
  20. Damon W

    Bruno Arnold

    so the record now is 138cm??? my vids dont hav any sidehop overs with measurements in, so how wud u know what i can do?
  21. bars look ace, how did u extend them???? bikes gorjus!
  22. comment* nice vid nice song u shud ride stock though
  23. JEESUS! FAT MIKES GOT ABIT MINT! consider me on the next Leicester ride, looks amazing to ride!!!!!! i wna go there now real bad, that first song that u used for the intro is amazing too! ghood lad shame u cudnt ride like, but looked a good turn out!
  24. Abdab get a tp, or watever it is i have Biff get the mod version, long as fuk!
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