too true, youle NEVER improve if you stay in yourecomfort zones, this applys to EVERYTHING in trial, in my opinion Iv found this, BUT, im trying to over compensate for it now, by going for stuff i kno full well is about 80% chance going to do me in ye hes right, sacryest thing iv ever tryed was in sheffeild 2006, from my 3rd video, in a ghetto park, was completly stupid dropgap that was too big and i wouldnt be able to hold it anyway if i did get to it, BUT, for some reason, when i got to the edge i had a buzzing fealing in my stomach, so i went. like an idiot, regreted it in the air though, thinkin "well youve f**ked it now damun, goodbye" BUT wasnt toooooooo bad, MASSIVE adrenaline kick, so was worth it! despite not being able to walk afterwards but i found after doing that, other things in comparison looks tiny, so i went throught abit of a nutter patch, so if you can try something insane, ano its easyer said then done, BUT, youle be glad you did in the long run as i see it, you live once, and nobody remembers the lad who was the "norm" or "joe public" so try and ride astho it was youre last day on earth! lol!