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About Monty_susanne

  • Birthday 08/20/1990

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  • Real Name
    Susanne Johansson
  • Bike Ridden

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Monty_susanne's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. hehe damn sweet!! thats what my kids will have if i get some!^^ whats the weight of the bike?
  2. Good luck boys and girls!! //sujo
  3. Monty_susanne


    This made me sad! all thoughts to Robert and his family ride in peace!! //suss
  4. ah nice pictures u've gt there!!=) It was nice meeting u all there! ///sujo
  5. wieeee more girly riders!!!!!!!!! so when she's starting to do comps and stuff`?=) btw u should be more proud over her if she's starting to were a helmet!!!! well nice to see guys having their gf starting trials!^^ //Sujo
  6. hehe its kinda hard to take pics of myself while im riding^^ well cheers for all the comments. Scott/fjortis: Can you have a look in your camera to see if there's any pics of me there riding? //Sujo
  7. Think i've fixed so u dont need a speciell password now. Tell me if its works........
  8. ahh i see in the box that is empty write: Sujo (the first box)
  9. Hiya, just came home from the worlds in Blansko, Was a really good time. so i put up some pictures from the worlds, I've put them up on this swedish picture site.... there's a arrow nearly in the right cornor of the picture (kinda hard to see if u dont know its there)... (Btw thanks toRoger,peter,Bosse and daniel for taking care of me and letting me go with them! and thanks to Vaughan for beeing minder).. http://sujo.bilddagboken.se/index.php?main...SZjdXJyaW1nPTA=
  10. woooooo nice video! really chilled! seriously good! //suss
  11. well done seems like u doing a great job on that 26"^^ Also nice u've put some footage togheter, u guys got some really cool competitions over there. well see u in slovakia on friday i guess^^ //susssssssssss
  12. damn good video!! some really big stuff there...!*amazed* //sujo
  13. had my nose done for 2 weeks ago //sujo
  14. eyy chill video. i like it!! cool place u've found in the forest! looks like the swedish natural stuff!=) what song is it? liked it haha=) keeep it up //sujo
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