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Everything posted by Punkrider

  1. Well i have got gears sorted, they work a treat! I am running 6 speed; 12,14,16,17,18,19. All works fine and shifts a treat.
  2. The vid should be working now! Pretty fly, even if your bike is made from vending cups
  3. Thanks for that I am going to get an Tiagra, and run 8 speed
  4. I wanted to start comps soon, so i was getting round to putting gears on my bike. Just wondering what everybody on here runs? Shifter, mech, chain? Ads
  5. All try tf tf again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. i'll be on in a bit, pc is slow so have to wait 'Host is not found on master server' Choose a server on the multiplayer list!
  7. I'll give you a game, chose a server and reply. I'm GT | Ads!
  8. Hold Ctrl and click on the link. This will make the link open in a new tab, is this what you mean?
  9. The pics are sorted allready!!!!!! Pictures here (go to archive)
  10. Think Sundays off anyways loverboy, weather is shit.
  11. Fag Folkestone Sunday, activ at 12 if anyone wants, few people going. Let me know if your coming
  12. Why wasn't i told about this I'll be about
  13. My old Giant When it was mine:
  14. Hello all, I wanted to service my Hope Bulb, what can i put in it/what do you run in yours? I have found some 3 in 1 oil, any good?
  15. Trend Number 394854 "This has allready been posted you *abuse* use the search *abuse*" Then the rest of the forum will share their views
  16. Yesssssssss ivgot meslf atopic tom
  17. Updated.......................................................................................................Not.`
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