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Everything posted by Punkrider

  1. If fat, short n ugly is your thing (not mine) then she is hot :o Mine: oelhl, mi ysror ryuo lacl noncat eb nekta ta the tmenmo, os elspae evael a ssemgae refta eth neot Adam
  2. Games like this are dreadful Mine: lstrai eskbi cemo ni wto ciasb sfomr, kctso dan odfiiedm Adam
  3. Your anagrams are too easy Mine: lstrai eskbi cemo ni wto ciasb sfomr, kctso dan odfiiedm Adam
  4. yeah, you cheated :ermm: Adam
  5. Urinal Mine: salrit mfruo Adam
  6. I also had trouble looking for 18 tooth cogs, i think TartyBikes are selling them :ermm: Adam
  7. Punkrider

    Inner Tube

    I use a standard Halfords tube :"> and an IRC El Gato, i have only had 1 puncture :ermm: Adam
  8. Cheers for the help, i will give it a go :ermm: Adam
  9. Any help wuld be appreciated :sleeping: Adam
  10. I can either get this Or My friend said something about a bleed kit from my local car spares shop, does anyone know anything about these? Adam
  11. What will i need to bleed it, or is it better to get my LBS do it, as i have never done it before :sleeping: Adam
  12. Punkrider


    Hi all, I have a Hope braided hose on my rear maggie and i want one on my front Hope Mono M4 (N) I have a really good bleed on my Hope at the moment, when i put the new hose on i don't want to loose it :sleeping: Do you think i will be able to get a good bleed again? What will i need to bleed a Hope? Adam
  13. They look like Hope 6 pots to me, how long will the pads last on that :o" Adam
  14. What DMR tensioner are you speaking about? 1) 2) Adam
  15. Hi all, There is a ride in folkestone on Saturday 19th, everyone is welcome to come :o We are meeting at Folkestone Central Train Station at 10:30am The more the merrier :P Here is a link to the topic in the new members area Adam
  16. I second this, i think they are made from cheese (Y)
  17. My friend Ryan has this same problem, with the same bolt, i don't think they are made very well (Y)" Give crc a call, they should be able to sort it out, there number is: 028 9335 2976 :- Adam
  18. I will put a link on my site if you could give me the above advert without the Trials-forum.co.uk bit that is automatically put in the corner (Y) Adam
  19. Punkrider


    I went to my local bike shop to check it would fit my Giant Trials Team, it didn't (Y) I dont think you really need one (Y)" Adam
  20. Punkrider

    My Beast

    Thanks, it looks alot better with the new seat :) Adam
  21. Punkrider

    My Beast

    Its a Hope headset, with a red Lizard Skin at the bottom :) Adam
  22. Punkrider

    My Beast

    Hi all, Just wondered what you thought of my bike (Y) It has taken me ages to get it how it is (Y) Adam
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