Evening all, For the past year i have been getting back problems on and off. The first time it happened i went to the doctors who told me that my back was spazaming, after about 5 days of resting it goes. I have had this about 4/5 times over the year. When it 'goes' it just hurts to do anything that requires moving. It usually after standing in akward positions, bending over or lifting things akwardly repeatedly. You could say 'well don't do that then', i do try to sit properly etc. but it still happens. I allways stretch now before i go riding, but i noticed with my legs straight i can't touch my toes like others, about 6 inches away. The doctor told me that it might be because i have started growing really quickly, and it would be a good idea to strengthen the muscles in my back and front. At the moment My backs fine at the moment so i thought i would have a go at becoming more flexible/strengthening my back? Anyone on here who knows what they are talking about, none of this 'do 1000 sit ups a day'. I don't want to do too much in case it makes it 'go' again. I am after some light exercises so i can build it up slowly. Forgot to add: the pain comes from the bottom of my back, either side of my spine. Any information would be much appreciated. Old man Adam.