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Everything posted by Punkrider

  1. Nothing wrong with my camera Just my amazing photography skills
  2. i'll play, how you play S2 ones?
  3. How did you get down from the pallets when you were up there lol
  5. Punkrider

    Picture War

    That will put him out
  6. Hello all, The voting ends at 4:00pm today, so we need to get as many votes in as we can Get your mates to vote, send mass e-mails to everyone, do what you have to to get votes VOTE HERE I know there is another topic, but it is full of rubbish, we have like 5 hours left Can delete this topic after 4:00 pm if you wish Adam
  7. Dan your on the site now, have a look Put the pictures up aswell All these pictures and more at StreetFurnitureTrials.com
  8. BUMP / look at my last post ^^^^
  9. Does anyone know if these are any good, don't like ordering from wiggle, prefer CRC? Thanks for all the replies
  10. Would these work/ are they any good?
  11. Yeah thats what i allready have, they fit in OK. They just don't really lock, wanted to try some different pads.
  12. I run vee brake on a 38 mm rim, with Fatty R forks. I have to run the vee really wide with my current pads, so i am after some pads that have a low profile. I have made a little diagram to show what i mean: Does anyone know of any pads like this? Thanks
  13. Anyone want a game? Go to display list of games, then choose Smuffis demo server II/VII? Reply here if you can't get in I'm called Dave on there BTW Adam
  14. I bought it from CRC actually, and i used the dremel on the bash to make it shiney
  15. You obviously do care, or you wouldn't keep replying would you? Its not that your not helping me to cheat, its the way you act.
  16. Different context you: ass, blockhead, boob, booby, cretin, dimwit, donkey, dork, dumb ox, dumbbell, dunce, dunderhead, fool, halfwit, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, jerk, kook, meathead, mental defective, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, pinhead, pointy head, simpleton, stupid, tomfool, twit, yo-yo
  17. On the email it says you must use every means possible... I bet the others probably are cheating, so i think we should Why don't you grow the f**k up
  18. Woo i am the first to use this thread My Koxx what you think: Adam
  19. Get voting people, the trials park is 3rd by the looks of it
  20. I have made that so if anyone has a site, wack it on and link it to 'http://www.invictafm.com//Article.asp?id=187085' Adam
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