My opinion of the matter: Trials will become more well known, maybe even become a fad in the future. I can see a company finding out about the trials market and abusing it. This means there will be more riders out there, as with most fads the media will make a fuss out of it, stories in the media mean more people finding out about the sport. This inturn will make the fad even bigger, this could go two ways, either: there will be loads of new riders doing very well at riding, more people will know more about the sport so it will be less frowned upon and the limits of riders will be pushed. Or on the other hand there could be loads of children riding around on 'trials' bikes not actually taking part in the sport, there will be a need for more lower end trials bikes, so the quality of the average bike will become lower. The current laws could become more strict, fines raised etc. This is only one area of the question, i would write more but i should be doing work...