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Everything posted by Punkrider

  1. I'm a Faggot!!!!!! Boy's Bums Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!
  2. Exactly what i was thinking...
  3. I made a poll about this before here I had 17 hours of driving alltogether, passed first time with 5 minors
  4. I had Glandular fever about 1.5 years ago now, worst i've ever felt illness wise. I didn't leave my room for like 3 weeks, my throat was so swollen and white i could hardly breathe, liquids only jobby, if i walked around the house i would sweat like a pig and i had no energy to do anything. My throat isn't so swollen now, but it never wen't down properly so it is allways swollen. I still feel like i have no energy to do things, i have had a blood test and it is still in me, it can't be passed on now though. From what i have read/been told you can suffer from the symptons for many years. This probably isn't what you wan't to read, but its the truth you'll find out sooner or later. Hope you get well soon, it might not even be Glandular Fever? Get a blood test if you haven't allready...
  5. Off topic: has anyone got a psone, the white small one not the grey one that they would part with?
  6. The editing was pretty pro, riding wasn't bad either I can't believe i'm saying this, must be because you've finally got Koxx...
  7. Dammit i looked, seriously do not look...
  8. Go and ride Dover again pete you bumhole
  9. Folkestone Sunday sounds good!
  10. Got bored, yes i know it's over the top it is ment to be like that. I only did it quickly, but you get the idea.....
  11. Yeah we will be around, give me a text when your about... Mumbles, haha.
  12. I have madea Trials forum game, join me!
  13. I suppose it could be something to do with your stalks, try checking the connections. When i stopped my wipers they would just stop in the middle of the screen, they wouldn't go to the bottom like they are suppose to. I looked around and noticed a fuse had blown, it's worth a try.
  14. My opinion of the matter: Trials will become more well known, maybe even become a fad in the future. I can see a company finding out about the trials market and abusing it. This means there will be more riders out there, as with most fads the media will make a fuss out of it, stories in the media mean more people finding out about the sport. This inturn will make the fad even bigger, this could go two ways, either: there will be loads of new riders doing very well at riding, more people will know more about the sport so it will be less frowned upon and the limits of riders will be pushed. Or on the other hand there could be loads of children riding around on 'trials' bikes not actually taking part in the sport, there will be a need for more lower end trials bikes, so the quality of the average bike will become lower. The current laws could become more strict, fines raised etc. This is only one area of the question, i would write more but i should be doing work...
  15. Just watched it again, really good
  16. Just wondering how many lessons it took you? Done about 11 hours, think i'll need a couple more lessons before i take my test.
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