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Everything posted by ollie-trials

  1. Here is the vid mate http://craig.realhistory.hu/ZOO_VIDEO_28.wmv
  2. very very sorry lads n ladys but what is the song in zoo video 28 its been bugging me alot lately tried alsorts of searching google and what not, so it would be much appreciated if anyone could tell me Cheers ollie Also its a great video by craig and im looking forward to meny more
  3. hi my friend is makeing a kool webby have a look Here He is also got a good forum about trials Here Visit them they are kool but the new finished one will be up loaded so go on it in a while as well!
  4. I bought a onza t-bird for £50 it has lasted me well, ive learnt well on it, and it doesnt brake every second like some of my mates bikes so i find i have a good deal, but if i want to take it up a level i might have to think about investing in a bike for lets say £500 ish , but im fine at the mo, and yeah magazines usually are right because if they gave the wrong advice people would be complaining and the magazine would stop bieng published! :)
  5. that vid is the coolest man lovin the chevy and the race thing of corse you would win adam :)
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