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Everything posted by Swize

  1. I sent something 1st class recorded and wahey a mounth on its not there!
  2. Swize

    Mod Trouble.

    Just something like : [attachmentid=3830] The yellow bit is the jock wheel, if you ran it on the inside of the frame ime sure it would work?
  3. Swize


    You have to buy a whole new lever body + blade convo which = stupidly expensive unless you find one secconds hand. Try Ebay they pop up there every now and again. I can't really see the point seams a big wase of money as I think there arround £80. Don't supercycles sell them? Well they used to.
  4. Swize

    Mod Trouble.

    Yer try and make something like the leeson mod tenntioners. I rember a mate making one out of a pice of sheat steel, bascily cut out a rectange and stuck a jock wheele on worked for a good few weeks if ime right. Orrr if worse comes to worse could buy a new chain?
  5. Shock horror! I used to be a fan of the GU but now much prefer the python becuase of the longer stays.
  6. Ime sure profile make a hub for stocks. But yes todge was running a 20" one and the hub shell ripped appart. Or if you still dont belive me check the profile website. As said you could problie sell bouth wheels so you could afford a pro2 but if you not going big I can't see what problems your going to get from a 26" profile hub. But why do people think profiles are so bad on stocks ?
  7. Man thoes background are swish nice find!
  8. That think "Who let the dogs out" omfg gggrrrrrrrrrr! angry just thinking about it!
  9. Yer torrents all depend on the number of and connection speed of the seeds, and also try and get one without to many leetchers. But if you looking at something for just the internet look at something like Download Accelerator Plus Website here? IMO they don't do a huge amout for download, more just a manager.
  10. It says 5 mins after Porter snapped his forks Fatmike snapped a pair of his echo hifi forks . And Ali C he was running a kool. Was dam funny to see could of been much worse though. Sam
  11. Use some tyre levers lube them up with something like fair liquid so the will slide easyer. So wack 1 lever in clip it to a spoke and then wack another in. It will come off just give it some. Sam PS : Don't get the lube on your rim and if you don't have levers use the handle of spoons ! Edit : To slow:(
  12. Or a zona zip which is a little cheeper than the black mumba. Can be brought from either tartybikes.co.uk or supercycles.co.uk. Sam
  13. No one cares . But they have problie just run out of bandwith or maby updateing the forum?
  14. There all the same to be honist. Just keep away from that guy on ebay "trialsman" and also trialsshop.co.uk it is really bad. Other than that the other 4/5 are all as good as each other. Selectbikes.com Trials-Uk BikeTricalco are very very good price beating! Tartybikes.co.uk Cleanbikes.co.uk
  15. Swize

    Auch! Vol.5.

    That was awsome just downloading the others .
  16. Yer bmx shops normaly charge stupid amouts for posting . But from this shop Pijin the seam ok here is the kind of thing you are looking for?
  17. Erm theres not a huge amount with disc rotors is there its just the way they look?
  18. Ime sure there all diffrent so you can't really gess them.
  19. Even more intresting Neon is a colourless gas. Untill an eletrical current is passed through it which then makes it go red. Man I knew school would pay off. I would get a picture of the shed but its a mess! So i normaly just grab some tools then go to the kitchen.
  20. Will you ever trust that guy to catch you again ?
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