Yer all good untill you try and sell something to raise money for ur sisters next bike because she grew out of the last one. Just buy a mini Monty as Danny said soooo much easyer.. Sam
I would be supprised if you could not get hope hosing from hope. But any hope dealer should be able to get hold of some for you. Just check a few shops CRC deffo sell it, I reccon tarty could get hold of it as they sell hope don't they ?
Heres a few : Seams to have gone though anyone know where ? But yer nower days going rate for 90% of named tees if £15-£20.
Fun , Anyone that has ever riden with me when ive been trying drops to flat will tell you just how good i am at it ah well i got the egg out of my frount wheele
Was a good ride got some stuff nailed. But did anyone pick up a navy blue hoodie with a little white stick man on, if so could you tell me because its mine :$. Cheers Sam