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Everything posted by Swize

  1. Get some ducktape on the badboy will be reeet. How it happen?
  2. Swize

    Big Brother

    Niki makes me piss serriously anyone just seen her talking about the air con ?
  3. Id say more 1020ish well mine was 1020 with echo teams.
  4. Just take shit loads lol, I take 1 piriton in the morning and at night + eye drops + beconase the best thing I have found has to be beconase
  5. I do to it sucks you can get botox under your arms but thats a little extreme.
  6. Edit too late Just incase though. 19" DX32 light/medium grind water bleed ..
  7. Swize

    Big Brother

    Hahahahhah shes sooooo f***ing stupid you heard her going one about the gay guy eating all the cereal? Glyn needs to win total ledgend, reccon when he gets out he will promote some cooking gear or something ? And is Lea trying to get in to Pete ??
  8. Is it just me or are the pedals on backwards. Nice machines Dan
  9. May do would be ace to ride with you again .
  10. Non there all awful but I gess ur wanting them for the width? Take a look at DX32 can be found from bikedock or BMF rims which can be found here bouth awsome rims which will outlast a koxx viz echo 3x over, there bouth really the same rims just the DX32 is drilled. Sam
  11. He let go of the handle bars WHY!!! would you do that .
  12. Swize

    Big Brother

    Does anyone else share my opinion in they could not find a stupider house mate than Nikki if they tryed ?
  13. But surely you would actually have to plug something in to there ipod as they don't transmit a signal or am I missing the point ?
  14. I can't the only bike I can ride is my own.
  15. Swize


    Yer man its ace ! Big group of us hit the wall at the local climbing center on a monday such a good work out and overall good fun!
  16. My thorts exactually. I mean if there going to beat you up sort it out urself don't get a forum to slag them off whats the point ? To be honist if they find out its you thats done this they problie wont but becuase of the plebs mentioning trials and there can't be that many riders from where you are you have problie just made it a whole lot worst for yourself...
  17. Well my parents have once again booked a holiday over something i've put on the calander so looks like ime gonna have to miss it this year which ime really pissed about . Sam
  18. Swize


    Was that a joke? Check the link name again.....
  19. Swize


    This is what ime on about.
  20. Swize


    Sky have a few HD channels I think, the only ones I have seen so far are a movie one. Shoping the other week in Cheltnam I saw one of thease HD tv's infact the biggist tv I've ever seem was hugggge cost about £2000 but as i say this was on of the huge ones and the qualtie was AMAZING ! even right up close it was perfect, I for one was extreemly impressed. Arnt the bbc gonna start broadcasting HD in a few years 2010 I think it is...
  21. Seams like the best option I mean your uni would rather pay out than get sued and its not like you left it out side of a shop it was locked up with at least too good locks.. Do they not keep a reccord for who took what key for what locker ?
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