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Everything posted by Swize

  1. Swize

    Bristol Photos

    In the bottem two pics is wheeler riding a zoo ?? Sam
  2. Thats a mighty clean desk!! Theres just crap everywhere on mine, don't no how it builds up :- ..
  3. link I ride these ritchley grips bare handed, there are ok 1000 times better than rubber grips but if its that hot and your sweating that much then they do get wet and become slippy, so you have to squeeze them out and let them dry for a few mins. I say buy these grips see what there like personal i think there assume! BUT make sure you get some nice big bar ends that cover the edge of the grips other wise you will have trouble with them tearing!TheasOr something similar to them i just use some plastic ones but the ones they give you just aren't big enoufgh. And if you still have a problem with sweat with them wear gloves ??? Sam
  4. Here forsale/wanted section seccond hand ... Sam
  5. Just downloading now Oak ill edit when its done :- .. Was cool, really like it well worth the download. Sam
  6. I picked this up a while ago.. (Y)
  7. Out of thoes to get the onza...
  8. A men to that :lol: . If you not doing big moves ime sure you could run black spokes and be fine with them, I mean you can understand why Porter snaps them :P" (not sure about everyone else) alot of it depends on the wheel build I think . Orr if you wanted black spokes get the silver spokes put the nipple on and hold the spoke by the top (this wont matter as its in the wheel) and spray black wala :D . Sam
  9. Leave him bad feedback he will be destroyed. :P Ime sure you could download the 2nd disc via torrent or something ?? Get a mate that has it to coppy it ? Sam
  10. Swize

    Help Me

    Ahhh i thort he was saying "ime am going to spray my frame and my components red and black. What colour should i spray it?"
  11. Spraying frames FAQ The666ers (James i think it is) wrote up a guide, all the answers you need should be in here. Gold spray paint. Sam
  12. Thats what I was looking for cheers :) And ill problie clip one of my old ones on my pocket .. Cheers for all the comments they have all been helpful. :) Sam
  13. Ok ime thing this wright with a Mod drawn behind compleatly black . For a sticker this is :"> just bouncing idears . Sm
  14. Now its started to get dark early i'm going to invest in a pair of light. i'm looking for a nice cheep pair, what would be ideal would be a little LED or something that clipped on the the bars. I have no clue about where i can get them; Anyone?!? Also if so what do you use and would reccomend? Sam >_<
  15. Swize

    Help Me

    WTF !? The above makes no sence at all ;)
  16. Random small questions thred it would get answerd that threds always active. ;)" :P
  17. If you wanted to you could go tubless no punctures again (Y) . Sam
  18. No need at all for a new frame; unless its cracked. Take off the ski plate and get a frount freewheel bashring Either of the 1st 2. Then if you want to splash out buy an amourdillo or get an old tyre and cut it up and then zip tie it to the frame. Then all you problems with the ski plate sending force straight in to the frame and denting it. And hopefullt the downtube protector should stop some of the dents that you have been getting!? Sam EDIT: I have just looked closer at the pic and ur running a frount freewheel bash, so jus take off the ski plate (Y)
  19. You can download it free just have a search. Or if you are running windows xp if you install SP2 its come with that. Windows movie maker download Just search google i found it :huh:
  20. Go and look at the frout bolt of your bash and you will see an extra peice of metal welded of the frame that the bolt then goes in to i think this gives it the strength and adsorbs some shock, But the tmag does not have that so all of the shock goes straight in to the frame and just rapes it ! Its all about how the the t-pro spreds the weight (bash force) over a bigger area meaning less force in one place ect ect . Sam Note to all tmag BIU riders use a freewheel bash :lol: .
  21. Site Google + Kmc chains = the link . Sam :huh:
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