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Everything posted by Swize

  1. Swize


    Wowww thats mad . Got some cool stuff though
  2. Swize

    Picture War

    I never saw rocky 3 just put him up because he looks hard as nails :huh:
  3. Swize

    Picture War

    Is there anything that can beat Mr T ? :huh:
  4. We where talking about this yesterday and steve said "If he made a vid and stuck a manifesto section in everyone would be like :'( and problie be really impressed." Which i total agree with. But i think making the whole vid just got a little boring don't get me wrong he has an extrem amount of skill and balance but the vid to me just got boring after a while. :D
  5. I disagree i have had a park tool alen key multi tool now for a good year now, containing all of the above and theyare still in awsome condition, with many people and the amount of time that they have been used i would of thort they would of twised and rounded. But there all perfect and have never rounded a bolt. I strongly reccomend thease to anyone ! Link Or halfords sell them.. Park tools rule. Sam
  6. Did it the other day got 29 shuttles up and down the rugby pitch so whats that 2900m :( ? Its not that amazing but ime only 14 :) . Sam
  7. Try using an email program thing like outlook express, office outlook, thunderbird .. See if it works ? Sam
  8. Only run a low psi if ur tyre has nice big sidewalls . Most the people i no run maxxis tyres at 20psi with some chalk/talcompowder in the tyre and they don't seam to pinch that offen .. Sam
  9. Everything :( Personly i carry mole clapms ,15mm spanner, set of alan keys, bb tool, freewheeltool , punture kit, screwdrivers , crank extrator, spoke key and laods of other things also i have a big collection of bolts and washer that are always useful .. The bold one are the ones u really need.. Sam
  10. Problie but would be super heavy, serriously try my idear above it works ... Sam :-
  11. Sorry i mean tomturds, urs is not pink either :- Ps i like the new edit thing thats cool ..
  12. Link You and tomturd no longer have red names :- also I could not upload to my gallerie ??
  13. Ok the reason you have pinched with a maxxis is because ur running a high psi and you have rimmed out and because the tube is so big in the tyre it can't move = pinching. Get you maxxis and put some talcome powder in the tryre and put it on the rim ect ect and put in 10-12 psi . I ran this and i rimmed it hard but the reason i didunt pinch was because the pressure was low meaning the tube could move out the way of the rim to not pinch . Just try it for a week and see how it goes ?? Sam PS i was running a standard tube.
  14. Straight from the hope website. Hope Spoke calculator
  15. Swize


    cheers. Anyone else ??
  16. Swize


    Okay i have an accout on Tv.isg.si and i have an FTP uploading program called Smart FTP v1.5, I have set it all up and it will connect to the Tv.isg.si site but then when i try and upload something i get no upload speed.. Any help from anyone that uses this?? Sam :angry:
  17. Sanding does not work at all the only other alternative i can think of is tar :- . Grinding rules though.. Sam
  18. Swize


    VIz products + actually riding = This topic :- (N)"
  19. If you don't no that many songs then is there much point of getting one ? I mean a 512 mp3 play holds a fair amount of songs and there only so much you can listen to songs before you get bored of them right ?? I would just say buy one with 512mb and update it insted of leaving loads of old songs on ur ipod and never listening to them. You will be saving money to :P . Sam
  20. That vid is awsome!! The rail that opened could of been so nasty.. Well worth the download even if it is off engoiee or what ever. Sam
  21. Swize


    If I am right the bit that is left is a square bit ? If so heat it up with a blowtorch then get a big spanner and an extenshion or something on and turn, not a clue how to hold the crank ect ect :P but a vice is a very useful tool :D . Sam
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