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Everything posted by Swize

  1. Ive run a number of freewheels in my time Dicta, ACS And ENO. The Eno hands down beats all of them. It only ever once skipped on me riding trials but cycling along it was a little bitch. Yes it had been serviced and it did stop skipping as much as it did but it still skpped. I now have a profile that i got off here for £100 and have never looked back on freewheels. My advice stick with the king its really worth it and you have alredy payed £xxx amount out for a king.
  2. Where does it keep snapping are you running a split link? Are you running the chain super tight ? Sam
  3. Lol actualy enjoyed that espicaly the skate park bit think i might ride some >_<
  4. Ian the hope mono trials is nothing special get the avid and a 185 rotor and ur away it will problie be cheeper to. You wont snap it you weigh about 1/2 of what mike does >_< . Avid is the shizzle..
  5. Lmfao thats gotta be the funniest tihng ive ever heard you say!! :$ I just wear a pair of DC's i see no problem with them so will probblie just get another pair. Trials shoes are problie good but I can't see the point on spending £80 on shoes i can only really wear riding. :ermm:
  6. One hell of a vid there you lot really have some skill (Y) :( Sam
  7. If you search through you will find a few from steve-a if there still being hosted there awsome (Y) :(
  8. Heatsink blue work on anything they are truley awsome there only £10 see if you like them ? Sam
  9. Yer it is sorry just posted that off the top of my head :P.
  10. Riding allong looking at a gap then smack I rode straight in to a lampost needless to say no one shouted anything like stop :P .
  11. Arnt hog rims ment to be the same as koxx rims if so dont get another as 1. They don'y hold grinds well 2. There strong as cheese 3. Have little braking surface My vote goes to the onza ronnie B) and yes you would need new spokes. Also I swear you said in a topic you where running ur tyre at like 18psi, unless your doing huge downgaps ect you must be majour harsh lol :P
  12. When i built mine tart told me to do 2x disc side and 3x non disc side :ermm: . Sam
  13. Email him hes always fast to repliy .
  14. Stops it banging and flapping arround when you land. Sam
  15. Ive built to wheels now. The hardist part i found was stopping the up and down. Just try it use www.sheldondrown.com and ur away. Sam
  16. Awsome as always; some mahosive downgaps and shizzle . Some of the filming was excellent to :P Sam
  17. Running a standard 04 lever blade at the moment hopefuly going to go to a fresh product one though. Sam :P
  18. Hmm mine were no where even near working maby my chain is to long ? Ime running 18:12 i asumme you are to ? Sam
  19. Thats awsome! The man's got his whips nailed, wish i was good at bmx (Y)
  20. Ok well I insured my bike for £700 which its worth but i brought a lot of the bike 2nd hand therefor i don't have receipts. Does this mean if i have to ring them up and say its been stolen they will say well we want receipts? Or will they just ask for a list of parts ? Fankooo, Sam
  21. www.heatsinkbikes.com The blue pads are just so awsome and for £10 you can't go wrong ! (Y)
  22. Swize


    Theres so may of thease topics there all simple to understand. (Y) Clean all the old oil out etc ect . Then take every hose off the cylinders and lever undo bouth bleed bolts then chuck everything in the bath. Tap everything with a spanner or something and make sure there no air in any of the parts then what i do is suck water throught the hose (you problie won't want to but i find it better than tapping the hose). Pump the lever a few times and then tap again. Then rebuild the hole brake under water making sure no parts re emerg, once everything is built up take it out the water and if you have done it right heho ur brakes bled with water. Sam
  23. Cheers for thoes, really looking foward to them if they will fit. So no one knows about my problems with the t-pro (Y)
  24. Righty ho, I tryed some monty snail cams for my 04 T-pro and they proved way to small also the bolt would not fit through the hole next to the dropouts anyone else had this problem is it one of is it just because they where monty cams ? So I am looking to buy some Fresh Product Snail cams does anyone else have thease or any snail cams on T-Pro's? Cheers Sam
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