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Everything posted by Swize

  1. Ok cool, so basicly I need to role along then turn the bars a little to the right then pull up in to a kinda manuel startin to spin to the left then hop and spin? Sam
  2. Could it be pass plus? ThingyI think thats the website for them?? Anyway unlucky, Sam
  3. Tut you fool they would of posted it off to the big Mr Chrismas by now
  4. Maby your parents just said that so when you wake up on christmas day you will be like an onza trex can you imagen how happy you would be .
  5. Is that that car thats just been on top gear? Sam
  6. Learning to 180, I can't seam to do it. I can spin 180 from a track stand position but moving along i can hardley get 90. So basicly i need ur tips and advice on how to do them. I would like to be able to do them off things and idealy throw them in to riding bmx if that makes any diffrence. Cheers for any help Sam + I did use search but nothing could I find
  7. Wow thats the 1st to levles ive ever managed to go clean on
  8. Swize

    Spraying Rims

    My advice be use that hammerite spray paint seams to stick to the metal nicer than the halfords stuff, bearing in mind i didunt primer or anything.
  9. And would anyone send me the old construction yard full version . Sam
  10. I 2nd that, i don't no how some of thoes guys fall from so high and then get back up and try the same line again after nearly shattering their anckles lol. The bunnyhops where preti cool, and as for the highist air and jumping that box . A very samwize
  11. He problie did i was just putting my views across about the black ones, you said about the high standard and i just wanted to menshion about how the threds arnt cut nice on thease ones could be the same on thoes.
  12. Ime running the black ones there ok just the threads don't seam to be cut straight at all so you can't get very nice chain tenntion as one crank forward its nice and tight swap it to the other one and its stupidly loose that for one thing really pisses me off, and i no ime not the only person to have this problem. There not too bad on the scratches, I only have the usual ones not yet had the anodiseing wearing off from my shoes and ive had them a good 4 mounths. Why not have a look at the money cranks ive heard nothing but good things about thoes and i think they are the same price? Sam
  13. When me and mike did it we firewired everything to a laptop seamed to work well . Or you could always burn it to dvds but if you don't have a dvdrw then lol. But when you reformat why not make a 30gb partition in case you need to reformat again? Then you wont be faced with the problem. Or if ur running xp try that files setting transfer wizzard thing; not a clue how to use it just spyed the name arround. Sam..
  14. Swize

    05 Maggies

    Heatsink website says baby oil works why not give that a go? Would be cheeper than maggie blood. Sam
  15. oh my god thats so god dam funny ! ;) :$
  16. Tis all well and good but to be fair may aswell do it carefully best way to learn/no it to do it (Y) But i can see where ur coming from.
  17. Its the new Brothers in arms road, Earned in blood.
  18. Undo the crank bolt off, take off the crank arm then just undo the lockring and your inside the freewheel.
  19. Certanly do, but does running it on the back not make it feel like u have 72 ep at the cranks or something like that ? Ive run bouth and i say profile. The profile make a loud noise, like a clicking :huh: but please don't tell me ur going to buy one of the other because it sounds better >_< . Sam EDIT: Quote from JT!
  20. So when they say minimun system there bacily saying the game will just about run but sketchy as >_< ?
  21. Cheers changed it now :lol: :lol:
  22. Well ime wanting to buy a game that according to that windows game advisor should run but its down the lower end or the requirements. When it says minimum requirements does that mean the game will run without lagging on the lowist settings or does it purley mean the game will run but will also lag like a bitch ? My System Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1600MHz Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200 Memory: 512MB Minimun spec Graphics Card: DX9 compatible 32MB Processor: Intel Pentium III 1GHz Memory: 512MB Reccomended Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.5GHz Graphics Card: DX9 compatible 64MB Memory: 512MB How do you think this game will run ?
  23. What is the WB of the t-lite ? Because not being harsh but the T-pro is a 1020 wb and the zip is a 1045, 15mm will make a diffrence and you will probblie say its to long ? ride one 1st and see. But if you liked to t-pro just buy one you no how it rides ect and you will save money. Sam
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