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Everything posted by Swize

  1. Thicker greases make it easyer to skip. Not being rude but your not really taking their advice they have said use wd40 and a xc lube or another thin line lube. And you have just said your going to clean it with gt85 and then use car oil, from what i know most car oils are quite thick and you need a thin lube not a thick one. Edit: Ahh late post
  2. Swize


    I started sidehopping to my right (my lead foot) got to about 5 brick and then just couldunt go any higher at all! Then I learnt to go to my left (back foot) and imeditly could do bigger makes it 100 times easyer to go to frount wheel on sidehops and everything. 3 and a bit weeks on still going to my left and am just carrying of progressing doing about 8-9 brick now. But I do find it hard to go from back wheel to wheels, which was easyer the other way but only on small things I suppose . Sam
  3. Because its more effort for them problie more expensive and make the frame weeker ? Sam
  4. Swize

    Long Mods

    This is all weired to me . Sooo say you had a 1035 mod frame then put some echo easys on it would be diffrent ? Sam
  5. To stop being such a pussy when riding
  6. I swear there was a topic about this no longer than a week ago. Why not give the search a hit before posting after all that is what its their for.
  7. Swize

    The Song Game!

    atreyu - lip gloss and black
  8. Swize

    New Years Eve

    There was a party at Tim Steadmans, pretti cool. Wooo Wooo
  9. You will need: . Snail cams . A headset; or does the 2002 come with a normal one? . And i would buy a bb just to be safe if its what 3/4 years old
  10. Swize

    Xbox 360

    Same here, I would love for them to bring out a console where you could plug a keyboard and mouse in! I just can't use analog sticks. Then I can go to a game shop and buy a game for my console put it in and it work run smoothly the lot o how I wish. I did hear the other day that you could plug in USB keyboards and mouses in to the ps3, is this true? Sam
  11. Hitman Pro it has 10 scanners all built in to one program kill all spyware threats. I no the websites in a funny lanugage but when you donwload the program its all in english. Sam
  12. I did exactualy the same was all good ect. Sam
  13. Don't think either is better than either really. But I do no that some good bb's are truvativ gigapipe and FSA Platinum pro DH, I don't no what sizes they come in you will have to check, but that should help you allong the way. Sam
  14. Swize

    The Song Game!

    Thrice- The Earth Will Shake
  15. routeone.co.uk has a bit. Sam
  16. Swize

    The Song Game!

    Rise against - Like the angel
  17. From what he said "Fill it up with anti freeze" it sounded as if he want to bleed the whole brake with it, not a water and anti freeze mix. Are we talking neutral as in 7 on the ph scale? As ime pretti sure adding water to a soloution can't neutralise it, it can dilute it but not make it neutral? Sam
  18. Just get a tyre lever and rub some fairy liquid on it then a bit on the tyre/rim and it should come off easy mine did. Why not try leaving the wheele next to a raditor for a while then trying ? Maby the rubber will expand a little and loosen up of the rim. I mean if you have just got it out of the shed then its going to be all cold and tight?? Sam
  19. I agree with the zoo! forks. But on the hifi's don't you need to have the disc mount faceing before use, or something like that?
  20. And rape the seals Personly i won't use anti freeze its really not good for the brake. Just run magura blood, baby oil or cooking oil.
  21. Once again Joe you sease to amaze me with the random crap you find on the internet... What did that guy expect the crock to do after wacking it with a stick?
  22. Wheeler and Porter are defo some good riders I agree, but check out Fatmike with the big lines !! Ime not to sure but I reccon in a year or so Martin Grainger will be one to look out for?? Sam
  23. I run about 13 rear and bout 10 up frount .
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