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Everything posted by Swize

  1. I don't think he is sponsored just when he ordered his frame from merseytrials or what ever they gave him some money off ?
  2. Yer man some good shizzle ive seen you ride better though . Sam
  3. Why not download some demos ? Some games i like half life 2, brothers in arms, call of duty 2 you should be able to find there demos pretti easy.
  4. Am i missing something but surley softer pads would work better on a smooth rim not the hardist compound pads on the market ?
  5. At the mo Day of defeat source is free for the weekend ! Just check out this.
  6. There is one I use called style xp makes it so easy to change anything from boot screens to desktop theams, I like it. Theres is a few you can just download and install one is called windows royal just a nicer theam than the standard xp one or take a look at www.crystalxp.net . Sam
  7. Swize

    Welded Acs

    Did you clean it out etc before you welded it though ? As after you cleaned it out you problie but in some thin line lube not the thicker stuff they put in which would help. Don't buy a welded one just buy a normal ACS and locktite the lock ring never did me or the people i ride with any harm and the people i know who have it locktited ive not heard it skip for a long while. Sam
  8. Swize

    New Rim

    I say DX32 and thats for mod or stock you can get a drilled 26" from bikedock or a 19" undrilled from the unicycleshop, google it. Sam
  9. Its all yours. Download that patch of dannys to really does make it nice to look at etc.
  10. Dunno about wear rate but everything else yes.
  11. There is a little washer type spacer thing on there you will have to take that off once you get the cog off. Then yes you should be able to the cranks are designed to be run with a bash like that. Also Dan-Ko runs one with an acs and same bash so you should be fine.
  12. Swize

    Ben Cox Vid

    Was cool, your deffo improving Ben!
  13. Ok well i agree with the welding but the rest ime a little off with. Its a prototype maby the finshed product won't be tack welded ? You all screaming copy but how many of you run viz/tryall/koxx products? To be fair ok it has the same booster as the team but the booster works and maby it has better geo than the team so why not put it on ur getting a better bike arnt you ? Also people are saying well looks heavy , can you judge a book by its cover? Personly i think the GU looks heaver!
  14. Yer man such a good idear he even says on his site Under the heatsink magura alu backings title. Why not read the infomation on the site before posting up ? I mean i got that and ime 14 not 18 .
  15. Lol Steve-A has that on camera, it was someting funny to watch on the train home . Sam
  16. Its problie raped they put dictas on you see which break really easy i did mine it in about the same amount of time, its pedle kicking that does it. Wack it off and buy an ACS there not expensive I think www.supercycles.co.uk where the cheepist for them.
  17. Just out of intrest are you a girl? But yer some paint weakens the plastic but I would of thort air fix paint would be ok
  18. But he's been riding like less that a year i think.
  19. Yup your getting really good really fast keep it up.
  20. It says its a Pure in that link Olly posted
  21. So why could I take brake pads off my 26" mtb and but them on my bmx ?
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