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Everything posted by Swize

  1. Swize

    New Tattoos

    Little big for my likeing but still looks cool. I have to say the best tattoo I have seen has to be Wheelers misfits tattoo on his arm.
  2. So where be the frame then? According to you it should of been out 2months ago.
  3. Ive seen a fair few Try-all bb's snap. I say go Truvativ gigapipe dh if you are going isis, if you are running square not a clue.
  4. Are you running a freewheel/bash or fixed cog ? As for the Ko-Bike you are best off speaking to the man himself Mr Dan Ko ?
  5. Mine was a valid point so I will post it again. You put soap on ur pads surley thats a bad thing ? + Does not boiling them loosen the gule and let the rubber pull out easyer ?
  6. Just wondering because bikerboysam is in NMC are you selling them for him ?
  7. Anyone care to explain ? Sorry little Samwize is confused Yes.
  8. Swize

    Avid Bb7

    Lol you sure did . But ime running a 185 on my mod and to be fair it is amazing. When I 1st got it it was crap bedded in and it was amazing! Just ride arround dragging it then poor water on etc. Sam
  9. Looks like its alredy come, judging from ur avitar Should be coooooool
  10. To you maby but to a christian there problie not ..
  11. And trying to be funny in every post you make ?
  12. Not an amazing amout of diffrence. If ime right square taper bb's last longer, but that can be sorted by buying a good bb, I say go isis as you have a wider range of good cranks to choose from. Eg Zoo! cranks, echo cnc's only come in isis.
  13. Yer my FSA is on the way out, not had it amazingly long . Weired because I don't go big. Did it start making nasty noises before it snapped? Sam
  14. Seams like your just asking him, why not pm him ?
  15. Should be up there with Ian and Steve Sam
  16. Swize

    Split Hose

    Get some boiling water dip the end of the hose in for a while to expand the plastic etc, but not too long, now push the little bolt thing in really hard. I found it best using tissue on bouth hose + bolt think to get good grip. And after a few attempts it should be on. Sam
  17. Many pictures on tarty's website, here
  18. Why do you find dave/adams voices sexy ? Fag.
  19. Its not that at all. Many many people grind koxx rims but becuase there a softer metal the pads wear down the grind quicker. So if you use a very hard compound pad like koxx browns they would wear the grind down pretty fast. Go ahead and grind it it will be fine.
  20. Cheep Bleed kit. Or just do the old stick it in the sink methord .
  21. Haha "Flex for spring but not for snap" was it you that said that ?
  22. Swize

    Vid 1

    Tis good you have some skills but in the next one less sidehops they get well boring . Sam
  23. Well considering freewheels are a bitch to get off.. + people normaly buy profiles as a full wheel as there old rims are normaly 32h. And its not really "harder" to fit just takes longer. And finialy if you buy an freewheel over a proflie becuase its "easyer" to fit your a bit of a fag .
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