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Everything posted by Swize

  1. Could you of striped the TPA thread ?
  2. Little harsh don't you think? I know the rules and everything but posting about ebay is not as bad as just sticking random shit up for sale ? But rules are rules we all have to follow them.
  3. You know why they work? Because you use tar .. Not used them myself but do you really need pads that hard? I know the blue and greens are good they also have a good wear rate on them.
  4. Meh I still reccon Tim Steadmans is better on the double set in bristol
  5. If someone from Worcester is in no dout I will be to. But Fatmike will be at the nationals, I think it is?
  6. 26" for sure, 20" has to be just right otherwize it just wont gap But once you can do them its all good just becomes seccond nature.
  7. If thats the case man ime gonna be happy on later on in life.
  8. From the pictures on CRC I think that to but I dont have that so will it be ok without it ?
  9. Right, I have a truvitave bb witch is a 73 mm shell but it come with a spacer to make it 68mm so i wack the sapcer on the driverside screw in that cup. Now I screw in the non driver side cup untill it stops, but theres still 2-3mm of space left that side is this how it should be ? Ive not a clue what going on anyone care to help? Sam
  10. I reccon a few of my top 10 would be : Snatch Gone in 60 secconds 28 days later Final destonation 1+2 Hot shots Top gun
  11. More street than comp though. Meh can't say to be honist I hardly know of any comp riders.
  12. He's buying a dirty stock Joe
  13. Yer man thats good. Loving the blinging cranks and the chilled music .
  14. When did he start complaing about it, the seccond he got it or a few days/weeks in ? I mean it could be he rode it with a loose bb and raped it hiself etc. I reccon he has bust it and is now trying to play you the fool and get his money back.
  15. Naa you wanna be using more than just that . Did mine the other day you wanna be using gt85 to wash it all out then wipe that out and get some "Finish line wet cross countrie lube" any bike shop/halfords should stock it then run a thin layer of that arround the ratchet ring and its all good. Funny noise you say ? When you took off off the driver was there any stray bits of metal in there ? Just check you driver bearings to be sure there not gone as thats what could be causing the noise Sam
  16. Check all the shops : Tartybikes.co.uk selectbikes.com biketrialco.com trials-uk.co.uk Ime sure you will find everything you are looking for. To be fair if he's looking at that one I advise him to run an ACS and waite untill the Tensile Freewheel come out ( end of march ) its cheeper and has more EP's, more info can be found here .
  17. My 4 bolt RB is fine got plenty of room. Naaa the t-pro need a booster frame flexis like a bitch. My RB fits fine loads of room everywhere with a new maxxis on sure you just didun't set ur wheele up gay?
  18. How old are you 11-16 How many bikes do you own (not just trial bikes) 3 Have you ever had a bike stolen? No If yes how many bikes have you had stolen? Do you live an area where theft is an issue? Yes ~ Do you own a bikelock, and do you think that it provides adequate protection? Yes ~
  19. Yer man good guide.. I would make one for my profile as I am replaceing a few things but ime not to sure what ime doing myself. Is it not just a case of taking it apart, cleaning it, checking the pawls and springs then lubing it up ?
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