There is no secret to lifting only 4 things technique, diet, weight, commitment. Cyclone is a poor choice in supplement its over priced and has a low quality protein in + it already has creatine in it so you dont need to take more. Look to buying 90+ HUGE amount better value for money and also a lot higher in protein, i have always had chocolate taste is easy no problems with it. Find somewhere that sells it in 1kg tubs first and get one of thoes to try it, because imo if you dont like the taste it becomes a f**king chore drinking it. Now if you want to bulk you have to sort or eating or you just wont get bigger end of. Eat 5 to 6 times a day decent portions always containing protein second you start doing this and training hard the weight starts packing on. Make sure that every exercise you do in the gym you know what your doing technique is so important its untrue. So your eating right, your hitting all the techniques fine start putting on the weight gradually you want to be doing 3 sets of 12 - 15 reps. wright down everything if you hit 15 reps up the weight and just keep going like that. If you wright it down you know what to lift next week and you dont get into a routine of picking up 1 plate all the time. Work hard, lift right & eat big to get bigger. Nice little read