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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Aye, 30 We wanted to keep the entry fairly small as there will 'only' be 5 sections - we're guessing people will spend more time than normal 'inspecting' them too, and don't want too much queueueueueueueueing.
  2. Standard stuff - check voltage to motors, trace back. Possibly a bad earth...
  3. AdamR28


    Looks a bit dull Not as dull as China's Formula E track though
  4. It's normal, keep re-adjusting until it stops. Use both tensioners to pull the wheel back equally. Hold the wheel in place by hand if it tries to move when you tighten the axle bolts.
  5. Seems like we're playing 'Scene Top Trumps': I got given a car (without an engine and a 'box). I guess it's the same with anything, there are good and bad people
  6. You just reinforced Mike's point
  7. Put the chainring back on, then same way you'd remove a screw on sprocket.
  8. That was me on Facebook about the hairdressing skills... Sorry, couldn't resist!
  9. Done the hub nuts to exactly 175Nm? If not, beg / borrow / steal a torque wrench!
  10. Personally, I wouldn't call that a skip if it's just seating a pawl into place under low load.
  11. Tried the usual 'young driver hot hatch' specialists?
  12. Proof that uneventful is fast! Love the way you're just caressing the car round, very nice.
  13. Old cars win - less stupid trim that's designed to only go on once and never come off!
  14. They are thinner than usual to allow proper adjustment. Yes, its an open system brake.
  15. Nah, never had them on any of mine - road, track or race PS: Good man!
  16. Pull the heatshield off, it will always rattle and piss you off. Which tyres are on it?
  17. Just throw them the keys... I think my blue one is responsible for 'converting' (to gayness) at least 7 people...
  18. Yep, £595 is very cheap for a 1*2 at your age and driving experience. I pay £136 on one car and £148 on the other
  19. Man, that would make me so angry!
  20. More pistons doesn't necessarily mean more power...
  21. AdamR28

    Tarty Days 2014

    Here's the full video from Tarty Days 2014 - enjoy!
  22. What sorta lap time did you manage Nick?
  23. Sounds like a cracking day out! I'm itching to get to Curborough for one of these sprint days sometime, seems like the ability to time really adds something. I must pull you up on this though: No, just no Oh, and NS2Rs are pretty much bang on the same pace as the Federal RSR 595s, I've tested them back to back (both are control tyres for our series). Both are fastest when they are nearly worn out, too.
  24. I had a moment of madness and washed my car. Then pretty much had a mental breakdown and spread some waxy stuff on it too. Water beaded on it and everything. A coolant hose split shortly afterwards, therefore washing cars is a bad idea and I won't be doing it again any time soon
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