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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. I'll be attempting it again...
  2. Not really a website update, but a sweet deal for you streety people... http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/news/inspired_arcade_frame_kit_offer/u254.html
  3. Big hammer? I've not come across that one before, sorry... Window - one of mine does the same, think it might be a bad earth to the motor as I can't hear anything whirring when I press the switch. I've got another window and a roof that comes off so that's plenty of air con for me
  4. Got a non-genuine fuel filter on the race car, that will be fine You don't *need* silicone but it will help. Check the guide on miata.net for full details. Good call on the genuine gasket btw, the pattern ones are shit. Aye, ECP, Hellfrauds, any motor factor
  5. Good stuff. The fuel filter can be a bit of a pain so either do it first before you've got annoyed or not at all, haha. Grab some silicone for the 'corners' of the cam cover gasket, and some GL4 for the shift turret - worth replacing while it's apart. The guides on miata.net/garage cover everything pretty well
  6. I can't work out if this is a troll account or real any more
  7. JD is a f*ucking c*unt. Let's see what happens now...
  8. So Trial Zone is ~22% more powerful than M4 then and ~8% more than V4.
  9. That's also my point, everyone's opinions are different, there is no 'best' brake.
  10. Trialtech SLs or Echo SLs?
  11. Yeah that's my point. And why Hope TRIALS brakes are better than Saints for trials Nope, open system.
  12. The usage on that thing is completely different to a trials bike though.
  13. Pads, phenoilc rather than alloy pistons, different thickness of the bridge between the two halves of the caliper, some others. You can see them from just looking at a picture.
  14. It's the same piston size, but it's not the same caliper.
  15. Any Hope lever, Hope Trial (either Mono Trial or Trial Zone) caliper, Mono Trial rotor, Jitsie pads.
  16. No you didn't! That's the car salesman in you coming out
  17. You need FIA approved belts and seat if you're building a race car...
  18. It's not possible to order direct from Onza unfortunately.
  19. Definitely a bargain! Although you can't say 'because racecar' and then have non FIA seats
  20. And they're the choice of Senna... The Caterham line in that video is a classic!
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