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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Ahh, I can understand how any amount of baiting won't stop it being flat out at work
  2. That's a shame, really wanted to beat your times in my wife's 1.6 diesel Ibiza
  3. Cool, they will be spot on then.
  4. Don't see any reason the Trialtech won't fit, but if you can post a pic of your bike or say which model it is exactly someone will be able to confirm.
  5. What happens at night? Surely the doors are closed somehow?
  6. You will definitely have more fun ragging a standard car than one you feel you have to nurse / look after!
  7. See title! Please keep discussion in the other thread - cheers.
  8. Ok, dates available: Tues 24th Feb Weds 25th Feb Thurs 26th Feb Thurs 5th March Tuesday 10th March There may be slots available after this but I didn't check - he said it was pretty busy from then onwards and later doesn't really fly too well for me with work and race season. Price is £650 for the venue, and we will split this between however many are coming. David has strongly recommended no more than 10 cars or you'll spend all day queueing. If there were 11 or 12 and a few people did half days that would be fine as well, but no more than 10 cars running at any one time is the ideal. If people are up for more of a social, I think we can get away with 12. So, I'm looking for firm votes regarding which date(s) you'd prefer within the next few days please, by going here: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/189846-tf-track-day-date-voting-thread/ Once a date has been nailed down, I'll ask for a list of names of people who are coming and a £10 deposit please. If you want to do just half a day that's fine, but please indicate that so we can confirm final costs per person. If there's only a few definites and the cost is looking prohibitive, I may open it up to a couple of other people I know - would that be ok? Once we have definitely enough people I will book the date. The day will run from about 9am til 5pm, so if we used 1pm as a cut off for a half day that makes sense. (A note about lunch, if we do the 'sessions' as mentioned before, we should be able to run right through without an 'official' lunch break.) As I said before, I'm happy to be an organiser / instructor type person and not take my own car on if we get loads of people, otherwise I will use myself to fill the slots up / make it cheaper per person. A reminder regarding things you'll need: - A working car. Literally anything will do as long as the brakes work (and you have a reasonable amount of pad left), it has oil (topped right up to max on the dipstick), it doesn't overheat / has coolant in it and the tyres have at least 3mm on them (you need 1.6mm across the central three quarters to get home legally, and you will wear a bit off during the day). You will only be driving for about a minute at a time, so you don't need a track-prepared beast. - A reasonable amount of fuel - you'll not use more than half a tank though. - A lid is recommended, but not mandatory. I have a spare (about 60cm) if anyone wants to borrow it. - Money, about £50-60 (you'll have already paid £10 deposit) plus lunch. Fire any questions, or pick a date
  9. There's no 'cut' yet, appears most people are going to drop out anyway Gonna ring the guy in a minute, see what's available.
  10. Not really a website update, but we are experiencing a power cut at the moment and it's not expected to come back on until tomorrow. Update: Power outage has been fixed and we are fully operational once again!
  11. More exciting than most of dan2027202720272 and Jardo's updates
  12. Yeah, we get a few months out of one in our workshop before it needs changing. Brake fluids will make the seal swell more quickly than water.
  13. Lets hope eBay / PayPal see some sense then...
  14. Yeah it's about £20 now - and agreed that's not a suitable service for 2 GoPros - but it was signed for so that removes any chance of a non-delivery claim...
  15. I thought you bought two? So the weight should be 1400g ish? Signed for is now £2.20, but 2nd Class is £2.80 up to 2kg for a small parcel though as you said Balls. What was the amount of postage paid? Two CDs would fall within Large Letter territory (under 1" thick)...
  16. Ahh, Clifton, nice area...
  17. Good idea Skoze - yes, the receipt (which is proof of posting of a tracked / signed for item) will have the weight on there: http://deltastamps.com/img/fact/SD%20Receipt.jpg The amount of postage paid / type of delivery would also put the parcel in a certain weight band: http://postagelabelsuk.com/wp-content/gallery/horizon-labels-update-april-2013/labels2.jpg A GoPro Hero 4 in all it's packaging weighs 675g (just weighed one), if that helps. Got a link to the listing? Will see if there's anything else we can come up with between us I'm sure
  18. Thing is, that's also true for any brake ever used on a trials bike.
  19. Any car is suitable, literally anything, your mums Honda Jazz, your work van - anything - that's the beauty of this venue. Those contemplating 'upgrades', it really doesn't matter, so don't worry about rushing to get them fitted I'll give the guy a call this week.
  20. Oh I see, my post was referring to buying a diaphragm which is why I got confused
  21. That you should replace the diaphragm evey time you bleed the brake? (Which is bollocks)
  22. No worries. Given the cost of shipping, it's probably worth having a look around a bit more locally first - someone should have one
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