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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. See Jardo's last post in the Tinder thread, she'll do Cheers Luke - that'd be a good way to do it if you don't mind? Will bring cash along tomorrow for you. Looking forward to it!
  2. That would feel terribly rude. I'll see how many fivers I can accumulate - would that be ok with everyone?
  3. Aww, shucks Just had a thought: I'm driving, everyone else has paid £65 so far, therefore I owe everyone £5.91. How are we going to sort that?
  4. Reduce the frame rate / resolution, you don't need any more than 720p IMO. My 32Gb card will get 4 hours of footage in 720/60fps
  5. Barbed fittings only, as stated.
  6. So what we really want is a shower around lunchtime
  7. All confirmed I should be at the venue about 9 with the key to open up. It's been suggested to shut the gates after we're in, so if people can remember to do that as they arrive that'd be good please. I'll bring a couple of bin bags as it's a 'leave it as you found it' kinda deal
  8. Aah, I might have read it incorrectly - thought it was a 'I might get there' rather than a definite no. That's a shame
  9. Anyone heard from Prawn? I'm quite keen to have a bit of a drive now but not if it f**ks the rest of you over Could be awkward with 11? Anyone have any thoughts? Paid: 1. Rainbird 2. PeteM 3. Dann2707 4. MadManMike 5. RobinJI 6. Haz 7. Kennard 8. crashbanggg 9. Jardo 10. Azarathal Unpaid: 11. Prawn TBC: 12. Tarty Adam Will ring David today today to confirm everything and get final details
  10. Cheers Robin but all the kit I'd need is in one box already from Tarty Days, so it's no bother for me Look forward to seeing a 406 flying round, ace! As I said to Dann22323542383653634 last night, car-swapping and passengering with people is what makes days like these fun, so my hairdresser mobile will be available to help convert some of you to gay-ism if you wish
  11. I made sure I did my trousers up tight to remove the temptation for him.
  12. Definitely will be, water / wind proof and can shift the strips around as and when people improve their times
  13. Just had Dan207234003009345 over for some car fettling Had a fun night and turned him into a hairdresser at the end. I'm sure he'll post details and pictures later
  14. Happy to have a bash but won't know my way around the menus, etc.! In unrelated news, weather forceast for Thursday is decent at the moment: http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=uk7dayx7;ct=8096~Curborough;sess=#forecast Making a list of stuff to bring down - do people want a whiteboard with associated gubbins?
  15. Happy to do so if it's a proper one (Canon, not Nikon ).
  16. So we just need about £30k from a massive company, easy!
  17. Can you do that? Wasn't sure if the paddles were linked...
  18. Ahh, fair enough, I know what you mean. I do seem to remember people sometimes appearing to think 'hmm, he's a bit old for doing tricks on a bike' but I rarely ride street and it doesn't bother me... Self-preservation, a little. But I guess I'm different to you in that I'm satisfied just playing around having some fun rather than having to go massive. I can understand how you might end up with a bit of 'inner turmoil' now you don't heal as quickly!
  19. How is he gonna downshift then? It'll be like Fast and Furious, haha.
  20. No. It's a shame your family give you a hard time about it, can't see why they would to be honest!
  21. Then that makes you a dick Haha. I so see your point though, it's always obvious what riders *should* do, it's just a shame people are so set on winning they forget this.
  22. Apart from the tits. And the fact they are clearly older than a child, lol.
  23. That's a good one - simple, easy to police and would do the job. Like it
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