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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. How's the battery life on it Luke?
  2. Something's moving around that shouldn't be, haha!
  3. What's battery voltage? Leads / terminals still connected correctly?
  4. Oh yeah, 1144s and DS2500s are great for the road / sprint circuits, but any decent amount of prolonged heat and they melt unfortunately.
  5. Same reason as Nick highlighted... Same reason kit car owners think Mintex 1144s are good.
  6. Carbine Lorraine (any / all of them) are a different league to DS2500. The reason you get such mixed reviews is the same as trials brake pads, some people can't ride / drive, and some people can. It should be mandatory that any pad 'review' is accompanied by a video
  7. Didn't even notice... I'd have sent him a bar of Cadbury's instead if I'd known.
  8. Was about to ask if you were going to put the cage in the car, or just paint it Loving the 'Fragile' tape
  9. In that case, unless cost goes up significantly, they have to get heavier!
  10. Mind. Blown. The bushes are only for rotation, they don't / aren't designed to prevent shifting sideways. The drop links should help with that but the 'shoulders' are a good idea...
  11. I'm perfectly happy either way. Got a few ex trials / very part time rider mates who haven't use the forum for years who would probably be up for filling in if that helps
  12. Pre-warning: It will smoke like a bitch when it gets hot for the first time, and you'll think the car has set on fire
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/Leeds,+West+Yorkshire,+UK/Curborough+Sprint+Course,+Netherstowe+Lane,+Lichfield,+Staffordshire+WS13+8EJ,+United+Kingdom/@53.7322364,-2.639978,13z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x48793e4ada64bd99:0x51adbafd0213dca9!2m2!1d-1.5490774!2d53.8007554!1m5!1m1!1s0x487a08728f641379:0x403faad9bef0fffb!2m2!1d-1.8071945!2d52.7125635 Good man
  14. It's not that far, only about 100 miles, and there is one place left at the moment...
  15. AdamR28


    I think was GP2 going faster than the back-markers in F1.
  16. It will do the job yeah, just take a while.
  17. I thought about that after I'd posted actually - does make a lot of sense. Maybe with an eccentric boss so you can get a good range of adjustment, rather than just 1 or 2 positions. Agreed about the second point too, but something I often forget as well is that many people don't have easy access to some of the tools we're lucky enough to be able to use whenever we want.
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