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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. AdamR28

    Legal Advice.

    Does the receipt you have mention the frame number? He's obviously playing silly buggers. With him having specifically checked your bike had a frame number, I'd guess he has another bike of the same model that has been stolen and the frame number ground off, then he's swapped the frames over... 7 hours is probably about the right amount of time to do this, too. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/- probably the best place to call.
  2. That looks ace Robin! Nick, Haz, its with about 62kg plus around 10l of fuel. Corner weighting is useless without the car being loaded up as it will be used (driver / passenger mainly, but you can get the fuel load correct too if you want). Edit: Dan beat me to it!
  3. Slightly tenuous link... I'm sure someone will get it...
  4. Haha. I'm just messin. Cool with whatever, I'm just use to uncouth Northern BBQs
  5. What are these things you speak of? I thought we were having a BBQ?
  6. When corner weighted properly the car will definitely not sit level until it's loaded with the driver weight (unless it's a single seater or something), and even then it may not look flat, but it's a performance modification not a cosmetic one anyway
  7. Full house, beltin'! So - moneyz for lunchtime food, what's the deal with that? Also a means of cooking said food? I have a portable BBQ type thing and some utensils, just needs a bag of charcoal and something to light it with, I guess...
  8. Will do - cheers Taking a few to be flow tested later on, get a matching set sorted out for the race car... They were 230cc when new so we'll see how they come back!
  9. Cheers for the shiny injectors dude, another fun and productive evening
  10. Ideally yes, but it's quite an 'intrusive' modification as it requires pulling the engine - you can't just drop the sump as the subframe is in the way (and you'd never get the sump to seal if fitting it from the bottom anyway) Never seem to get any excess burned off, we're only talking about an overfill of 150-200ml.
  11. Just helps to protect the engine at high revs under cornering
  12. That is a bit low really - have it at Max or just above
  13. Advisory number 2... I'm very disappointed, that's something only people like my mum should get
  14. Get it done Nick Have got one placed filled from here, will sort cash on the day Luke, hope that's ok. Paid list: 1. Rainbird 2. Tarty Adam 3. Bessell 4. Kennard 5. Haz 6. Richard (sfboy) 7. Dan (sucks) Cox 8. Stoozie 9. Mikey 10. Paul 11. Oli 12. Robin 13. Dave Outstanding (but not in a good way) list: 1. Prawn 1 place remaining - Nick Manning?
  15. We don't, but a mate has just built a cabinet in his garage and I think he has the kit... what needs doing?
  16. If you bring that I'll do a few laps in mine so we can have our own leaderboard
  17. Officially 105dB, but nobody checks and with only one car running at a time it'll be reet.
  18. 10 packs sounds like plenty I recon. I'll put feelers out too for filling the slots, first to get money to you gets them Luke?
  19. Gotta keep that failure percentage quota up somehow...
  20. Headlight - push car right up against a wall, make a mark on the wall at the same height as your headlight (bit of gaffer tape works well), roll the car back 20-30ft, adjust aim until it's level with the tape, no higher.
  21. It will fail on that loose battery! Paul, why not stick with OE spring rates?
  22. Nah that's cool, cheers dude! Sounds promising.
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