Don't worry if it makes no sense first time... So many new terms for me, so only started to sink in second time round, then (mostly) understood 3rd time.
Seems to be one of the last books before aero started getting big, so it's almost perfect for the sorts of cars we might play with.
Good stuff, from Dave? Sorry I've not had chance to get wheel photos yet...
JD, try Tune to Win by Carroll Smith. I hadn't read a book for years until I read that 3 times on the trot a few xmases ago.
It's the oxygen sensor... The MX-5 runs closed loop under 4.5k rpm and less than full throttle, so it takes a reading from the lambda sensor to manage the air fuel ratio. For all 'normal' driving it will be running rich as hell without the lambda sensor connected / working.
That will possibly be linked to your oil consumption too. Too much fuel washes the oil off the cylinder walls, which can lead to knackered piston rings and scoring the bore of the block, and therefore they don't seal properly.
I was due to do some instruction for someone on that Bedford date, but he wrote the car off a few weeks ago... Just gave him a shout but sadly he cancelled the booking - I was hoping he still had it and would sell, sorry!
Haha. 50mph winds + the sea right next to the track = salty spray all over the track and lens. You'd start with a clean lens and 2 laps later it was potato-clear. Rubbish!
Yeah, agreed about the battery - if you have a multimeter and someone to help, get them to check the voltage as you are trying to start the car. It should read at least 9.5V, under that is nearly dead, under 9 is definitely toast.
Is this anything to do with new being slack? Apologies, been a busy weekend...
Speaking of which, had an awesome day at Anglesey yesterday with @Mark W in the munter. I'm sure I'll subject you to the videos later...
Sounds like every car in the wet if you're already on the limit of traction and you ask the tyre to do more work by applying throttle, it'll slide. The key is balancing everything to find the quickest / safest way round.
I can teach you how and where to find more grip...