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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. It really depends how you ride... Since theyre magnesium, the material is relatively soft, and if you tend to bash your pedals into everything, you'll lose pins pretty quickly. However, if you keep your pedals off the floor, or train yourself to use only one side of the pedal, theyre a great way to instantly shave around 200g off the weight of your bike :o I would say they are bigger/wider than V8s, pretty much as big as my Atom Labs (which are the biggest pedals ive ever used). I'll probably get myself a set once the comps start actually, get rid of some weight from my beast :-"
  2. Hmm, the Mono Trial doesnt have a U-Spring... Wheres the click coming from?
  3. I totally agree, we get screwed. However, im not sure on US anti-dumping regulations/taxes... this may explain the difference in price.
  4. Is it a click, a squeak, or the pad wobble Dave describes? And where does it come from?
  5. AdamR28


    Are you *SURE* you're going the right way? Ive never ever bent a pedal spanner before, even with a 4ft pole attached to it!!
  6. I see what you mean... however the click comes from the pads themselves? (which have clearance inside the caliper). The pin is a loose fit through the holes in the pads - its only there to stop the pads falling out. Im sure Hope would try and sort something for you if you get in touch :(
  7. Yep, thats true, however Dave seemed to describe two seperate issues... Edit: Reading again, seems like he's on about 'pad wobble' only... can't say ive noticed it while riding (can get the pads to 'knock' a little if i try though, while not riding the bike). Top brake otherwise! :(
  8. Hmm, who suggested that? I should think tax would run to nearer £140, then plus your clearance and handling fees.
  9. Haha, yeah, not really a midget, average-ish id say... he aint massive (Dani Comas, Phil Williams etc) though.
  10. Benito is a midget! I dont think theres any sort of correlation between height and 'hop height' - theres so many other factors...!
  11. You could always get a new hub shell? Bit of a faff i guess though...
  12. Is it a 'creak' or a 'click'? The 'click' i refer to is when an amount of resistance is overcome in the lever... Theres an easy fix for both btw B)
  13. Do you mean... hard to explain... as you pull the brake on, theres a 'click' as you overcome resistance during the travel of the lever?
  14. Yuupp. Echo are matt, ronnie are shiny/gloss.
  15. First question - yep, they do :( 2nd question... not sure what you mean, but i hope these can be of use: http://tartybikes.users.digital-crocus.com...fileratchet.jpg Cheers, Adam
  16. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9906 :huh:
  17. Which brand of loctite? How much? Did you clean away any grease first? Loctite works perfectly, you just have to do it right :huh:
  18. Pretty sure this is for a mod bike... Your only choices other than Koxx and Viz are Onza Ronnie and the DX32/Megamo drilled as you said... Anodising could be removed from a Ronnie though - have a google search for tips on how to do it :huh:
  19. AdamR28


    Which mod stem? Onza have 2 different clamp size stems in their mod range. Echo bars are £25, and fit 31.8mm clamp stems.
  20. Get down your local shops and try some on :huh:
  21. AdamR28


    Which stem? And mod or stock? :huh:
  22. AdamR28


    Adjustable spanner - bend the affected area. They can take quite a lot - just experiment :lol:
  23. Probably better to use a more standard font, unfortunately. But: c:/windows/fonts - find your font, attach it to email, get them to download it to the same folder on their PC... and then reboot :lol:
  24. One 'problem' with that is you dont get very much chain/sprocket contact, which wears everything out a fair bit faster.
  25. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7202
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