Damon ;) Close enough, i'll let you off :P
Haha, yeah Dave's landed himself a bit of a 'deal' from ourselves now, and Matt needs a good bumming. Video soon :D"
Haha, new shins for Lee please :P (Or shinnies)
Was a wicked day, cheers everyone - and like most people have said, was good to put faces to names and all that. Trials is cool - didn't speak to any nobheads all day, everyone's sound, don't get that in any other sport!
Wouldn't mind coming down again sometime, but of a mission, but worth it! Got to bed before midnight, just, haha.
Cheers for the gallery Harry! I've got a few pics as well which i'll bash up later. Uni work can wait :P
My MSN addy is mmar@lboro.ac.uk... but I ma ynot be able to chat much seeing as theres always summat to do here! But feel free to add me :D
Adam (On the big gay silver proto bike)