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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Get yourself some red heat shrink tubing, and wrap it around your existing hose? :P
  2. http://www.sheldonbrown.com/wheelbuild.html (Y)
  3. 10mm holes will save 2/10th of sod all weight... just leave it and save yourself some hassle (Y)
  4. Dot 4 is less prone to ingress of water... and since it doesn't really get hot for trials, you might as well bleed it fully so its got Dot 4 in it (Y)
  5. Well, decided to go with BT, since we have a phone line with them. Ordered no problems, due to be installed yesterday, rang them this morning since it wasn't working... 'Oh yeah, we're gonna have to get a new line installed for you'. Lay a new line for ONE person for 1.5 miles? I think not. New hate list: All Telephone Companies, haha.
  6. Just a quick question back at you Matthew - which rim do you have? A 721CD, or a 721 Ceramic? Theres a bit of conflict between your title, and the thread, thats all! Cheers
  7. More likely to be your brake setup. Check theyre parallel to the rim. And then leave your brake to bed in :blink:
  8. Austin, you're a hairdresser, you bum everyone (Y) It may well be true that theres some things certain cadet riders can make than Ben can't, however, to win a higher class, it must mean he is better at other moves - tis just the way it is! Another title for a British rider, nice one Ben (Y)
  9. Txt tlk filter (Y) haha All the ones I've used have been crap. Probably work fine on mod bikes though!
  10. Haha, I Googled, found loads (Y) And here starts the 'I'll make my own pads' fad over again... I wonder if we'll end with with a couple more new companies from it, hehe!
  11. Got a pic of a grind you've done with it? Preferably not one that takes 30 minutes to load on 56k (Y)
  12. Aldi do a mixed pack of 12 stone and metal cutting discs for about £4, I've found them to work well.
  13. Lash your rim with water, ride around with the brake on for a bit, then clean off the excess water with some loo roll. Works a treat - you get loads of mucky crap off!
  14. AdamR28


    Haha, I know, I think it was originally gonna be 1065 and 1100... but 1066 and 1099 sounds better (Y)
  15. Yeah, dampening the vibrations also helps to reduce noise.
  16. Pad wear is DEFINITELY linked to heat, in fact I've been told its pretty much the only method in which brake pad material wears.
  17. How about a double wall Echo front rim? Fair few ERDs listed here: http://tartybikes.co.uk/image.php?image=spokes.gif Edit: Altho I have a feeling thats where you got yours from, hehe.
  18. There seems to be a bit of confusion here... The first part (numbers) is the bearing size - The second part is the sealing. 6802-RS = 6802 sized bearing with Rubber Seal. (standard Profile driver bearing) 6802-2RS = 6802 sized bearing with Double Rubber Seals.
  19. AdamR28


    Available in 1066 and 1099 wheelbase, black and silver.
  20. ID don't sell to the public unfortunately, and they are out of stock. They should be getting some in relatively soon though - we ordered some! Edit: Ah yeah, estimated arrival 30th August.
  21. They do stretch, like any skewers. However, titanium is more ductile (stretchy) than steel, so Ti skewers don't clamp your wheels into your frame/forks as tightly. When subjected to loads, they just stretch a little, allowing your wheel to slip/move.
  22. I think the reason Phil might be a little upset, is that the official retailers work hard to maintain a level of service, knowledge, and professionalism that will do the Echo, ZOO and GU brands proud. There are only 3 official Echo/ZOO/GU importers for the UK. One is BikeDock, one is X-Street, and the other is very obvious. It is permitted for other retailers to sell Echo/ZOO/GU if they buy off one of the official importers, after gaining permission to do so. An example of such a retailer is Triton Cycles, or Tarty Bikes. Hopefully that makes the situation a little clearer. Phil, Gary... feel free to correct anything, but that's what I have been led to believe :( Adam
  23. Haha, oh I see now, my bad! Stanley knife is how I used to do it... Fresh blade, bit of water for lubrication, and WATCH YOUR FINGERS!
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