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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Haha, I dunno actually... but it is true! Well, it was a few years ago when I read it... Might be longer now
  2. He must have lost a few quid on that then! My fact: The world record for constipation is 102 days. No shit. Literally.
  3. Looking good. Good to see the 4-Bolt mounts coming into use Ads
  4. Told you (just messin ) Its a right pain, just get a 36h rim!
  5. Quite useful: http://www.peak.org/~fixin/personal/fmu/php/formfmu.php
  6. Yup. Couldn't be 380, not without some sort of MTB-style chain tensioner... (or a crazy gear ratio)
  7. Wheelbase: Varies with forks, approx 1000mm Stays: 362mm BB rise: Varies with forks, approx 45mm
  8. Always good to see Luffbra in some vids! Nice one guys
  9. It may be that your Ashton forks are bent too? You do seem to be rather good at bending forks Brett, hehe.
  10. Unlucky Nick I had a bike nicked from one of those multi-user uni bike sheds too, they're really not good... If you need any duplicate receipts, just let us know
  11. You could run cantilever brake levers though, or twiddle the Speed Dial bit right in if you have an Avid lever
  12. Two, as per our description. I took one apart to check
  13. There isn't a 4th cross, hehe, that's why you can't see it. You've built the wheel 3 cross
  14. Production ones are indeed black lockring'd. Very lovely little pieces of kit they are too . Quality for price really is awesome!
  15. Yeah, thats a 3 cross build, you need to go 'over, over, over, under' for 4x (rather than just 'over, over, under' for 3x). Like Marky said, should have gives us a shout! Hope the wheel holds up though
  16. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9046
  17. Got a decent side-on picture of the wheel? I've built at least 20 like that with no problems, seems strange they should be the wrong length this time...
  18. Speedy work Nick, and the pics are sweet! The first lot seem to have a 'warm summery glow' to them too... mmm, summer. Looking forward to the Back Cowm ones Cheers Ads
  19. Just get the items marked with a value of less than about £20, your receipt sent seperately (or emailed), and all will be well.
  20. They're pretty much standard issue now
  21. Haha, just kidding. I've found that you need to use less 'sticky' material on rims like Echo and Onza Hogs, or they just get loads of aluminium stuck to them and don't work. As far as I remember, the Majics are a bit like that yellow stuff Stan used - which was awful for getting glazed. Plaz are a good bet since theyre not 'sticky' at all, much more waxy.
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