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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. You told me it was yours Nick Not impressed! haha Looks sweet though, good old mod bikes :wink2:
  2. AdamR28


    Shut it gayboy Well noticed though
  3. AdamR28


    1805mm wheelbase, 380mm chainstays and a +35mm BB. Thats with Echo Urban 07 forks and an Echo CNC headset. Head angle looks to be approx 72 degrees. Reach from centre of BB to top centre of head tube is 26.5"/670mm. Cheers Adam
  4. AdamR28


    That picture above certainly doesn't do the Z1 justice! The pearlescent finish is very bright... full pictures up on our site as soon as I've had chance to do them! Adam
  5. AdamR28

    Xtp 20" 2007

    http://www.koxx.es/es/index.php/content/view/29/67/ Any use? Works for me but might just be because its in my cache...
  6. No problem with swapping that, just give us a call tomorrow Rob Ads
  7. AdamR28

    Echo 06 Rim.

    It's true, feel free to come down/up/across and we'll show you if you like!
  8. Hehe, yeah that's the pic that nearly threw me too! They're actually less expensive than you'd think - the RRP this year is actually last year's trade price!
  9. Red for the win The bikes come with the 2007 White 221 Ti Riser bars - I think the pic's just a bit squiff! The wheels are standard like that - Ti spokes and red alloy nipples, very pimp
  10. Yeah, sorry, the Pure frames have been discontinued so we've just clearing out the V-Brake ones.
  11. Just thought I'd add higher quality ones
  12. More images released of both frames: 20": 26":
  13. Did it a fair few months back... the high stress areas are at the bends and the stem clamp. As you can see, the thickness increases dramatically at these points! The ends are relatively thin (under the grips) as there's not a lot happening there. The marks you can see on the long section are from where we tried to crush the bars in a vice (didn't really work) and then try and snap them by swinging on the other end of the handlebars - almost broke the vice! The two areas where the carbon has pulled away from the alloy (and we've cut the bars in half along their length) is what appears on the outside as a 'crack' in the bars - it is in fact just the carbon delaminating a little when the bars flex to absorb shock. [attachmentid=8457]
  14. Couple of pics from chilly Blackburn last night... We do other stuff than ups to back wheel by the way lol Small bunnywhop, looks tiny [attachmentid=8424] Dave bunnywhop to manual across the top of the wall, smoothtastic! [attachmentid=8425] Stan with a nice tap from a very short run up. [attachmentid=8426] Stan again, 180 endo on the wall... I need a tripod. [attachmentid=8427] That's all for now, hope you like! Ads
  15. Correct! The note on our site comes from a few people who have had issues running both a freewheel and a bashring. However, if you go for the longest BB you can and a nice slim bashring, it should work fine. Monty only received 50 freewheels in their first batch, 10 of which came into the UK and sold out almost immediately - there will be more on the way soon! Cheers Adam
  16. The mech savers do a decent job, yes, however I'd recommend a tensioner that supports the hanger itself - something like the Gusset Bachelor is a handy piece of kit: http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=309 As you can see, it bolts over the hanger and the axle, meaning to break a hanger you've gotta break the tensioner too - something I've never heard of before! Cheers Adam
  17. It greatly depends on the freewheel and the bashring - let me know your setup and I can work it out for you Adam
  18. Buy yourself a bike bag and put it in your room - trust me, I had mine micked from uni in a 'secure' locked bike shed, and it was locked up! Even if it means making the cleaner a cup of tea every now and again its WELL worth it!
  19. Haha! Cool vid though Hoeseph, forgot you were that good to be honest So, yeah, nice one...
  20. Reminds me of my old Zebdi
  21. Craig (trialsalot) has a new frame... and his bike looks sweet, so thought I'd post it because he's a lazy basher! Comments welcome as long as you slag him off Ads
  22. AdamR28

    New Sbt Video!

    Nice video - exactly the sort of riding I like! Hope you're getting on well with the frame Hendrik Good job guys Ads
  23. Grind done by my own fair hands! Bunnywhops for the win
  24. 135mm spacing, sorry, forgot to mention that! Now UCI comps allow single speed, I would expect a lot of UCI Competition frames to go this way... I don't think there will be a 'hanger' version, but will ask Adam
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