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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Our site specifies you need to ask for your free T Shirt... I'm sure we will have replied saying you could claim it with any subsequent order however small. If not, apologies, I would guess your enquiry was sent around Christmas time so we didn't have chance to reply to all the emails we receive. Not sure this thread has much use, but thanks for the compliments above. Cheers Adam
  2. Great stuff as always Dave, awesome riding spots too! Cheers Adam
  3. This'll solve all your video problems Joe: http://www.download.com/VLC-Media-Player/3...tml?tag=lst-0-1 Another top vid Fred, nice one!
  4. Haha yeah, was at 3 o'clock ish, apparently he had to leave early for that 'Just the two of Us' programme tonight, so was pre-recorded.
  5. Bigman! He was at Shipley today with us when he took the call, hehe!
  6. AdamR28


    Opposite thread on the lockring. Edit: I think. Have a play with yours and it should become obvious Insert that is
  7. AdamR28


    When you tighten the pedal in it tightens the insert in. Put some loctite on the insert thread when you put the pedal in, then loctite the lockring on when the pedal is in tight. Job done.
  8. Yeah good ride, good to meet some new people too See you next time! Ads
  9. Thats not actually the bit of hardboard I use, but it does look like that, how exciting
  10. AdamR28

    My Astravan

    I don't know much about cars, but this looks fast and sounds nice http://youtube.com/watch?v=EZ4iw9JDi9E&amp...ted&search=
  11. Couple of pics of the colour: Nice sparkly blue bits - I'm told it looks great in sunlight.
  12. The difference is actually very noticeable... after riding Danny's Limey 1 and Limey 2 proto you can really tell (all the same parts etc). Looks a lot better in the flesh I must say, the colour is much nicer although the graphics are a bit purple. Pics later maybe Ads
  13. He was here the other day, he's now a rep for one of our suppliers!
  14. The original Limey had that same mount, certainly wouldn't recommend it for trials use! Will have a look in the flesh today and see what I think... Adam
  15. AdamR28

    f**king Hell.

    Only if Vagina = 2...
  16. AdamR28

    f**king Hell.

    It has a comments bit like on MySpace? And you just proclaimed how ace you are... Edit: Haha, thats a lot of posts...
  17. Get a camera! SHIT HIM UP!! Happy days...
  18. Bongo is a dude, even though he doesn't ride with us trials bashers any more Lots of love... Mr Tart
  19. For a bit of a V-bumming session? I may be there, we shall have to see! Ads
  20. Hi guys, Just after a bit of advice please... been browsing around various stores and there's a huge choice of wireless ADSL routers! Now, we need one that DEFINITELY works with BT Broadband. My girlfriend bought a Netgear one and neither of us have been able to get it to work despite them reckoning it should... So, any suggestions? Price isn't too much of an issue as long as it is reliable! We ideally require two USB/PCI wireless adaptors too, however if they need to be bought separately that's not too much of an issue. Cheers in advance! Ads
  21. News item was added a few hours ago Cheers Adam
  22. Fancy dress house party.... schoolboy with my girlfriend as a schoolgirl... hardly inventive but does the job! Ads
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