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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Hotel summatjapaneseword... theme from Kill Bill Hmm, maybe I got that wrong... hang on! Pa-Baa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep9Q62A66jk - Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle Without Honour or Humanity (obviously that YouTube one is a live version or summat... and it'll probably be spelt 'honor', silly yanks)
  2. True... sorry, I wasn't clear before, thats what they WOULD cost if someone wanted a set. I believe BETD did all the machining for free, Dave assembled them, etc etc...
  3. AdamR28

    Blair Vid 1

    Read my mind Smo! Nice riding there dude, keep it up! Ads
  4. Yeah, that's very true, and I am an old man We got together when I was 20, sounded like a big age gap back then, but not so much now... I know what you mean about her seeming much older than she is. Maybe wait and see what happens, as soon as she finishes school that'll be a large mental barrier out of the way!
  5. Evening all, Just a really tiny vid (15 seconds) of myself from Blackburn the other day. Cheers to Stan for the filmage and edit Its only 3 clips so don't expect anything amazing, haha. More filming tomorrow night weather permitting (don't wanna kill the camera!). http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/thetart20 -> Adamclips.mpg Cheers Adam
  6. When's she 16? Theres 4 years between myself and my girlfriend and it causes no problems whatsoever...
  7. The 'Wheel Tweak' is for machine built wheels to make them last longer, this service is included in the standard wheelbuild price Adam
  8. I believe the price for the ones Danny has should have been around £10k... Complex one-off parts don't come cheap
  9. Andy using Charlotte's login again...
  10. 19.2lbs plus pedals... so about 20 lbs. Mines 22.5lbs, on digital scales. Wanna go lighter...
  11. I see... sorted Yes, it will, but all the frames I mentioned have the mount designed specifically with disc use in mind... check out any other trials frame with a standard dropout and you'll see that none of the mounts are significantly tougher than that on the Limey.
  12. A standard disc mount will never be up to trials. There's hundreds of frames out there with standard disc mounts, I don't see why there should be a fuss about this particular one? In that case, every 26" trials frame except the KOT MS2, BT 7.0, MBK T1000 and Simtra ST-1 has a 'potentially dangerous brake mount' as you put it.
  13. Probably be a while... didn't film much and I think Stan wants to make a full vid.
  14. Hmm, don't look amazing... Try rotating the bashring 180 degrees and try again. This will mean your power stroke will be with a fresh set of teeth. Check the join very carefully too, with the Kool chains the pin needs to go in dead straight because of the mushroomed heads. If its a dodgy join the link will bulge slightly, or a small amount of swarf will appear.
  15. No pics, but a bit of video... you missed a good ride gents! Ads
  16. Any chance of a detailed pic of the teeth on the bashring/sprocket? Often, new chain + old sprocket = problems... If the teeth have worn slightly to fit the existing chain, as soon as you fit a new chain it wont mesh properly. I'd suggest giving Middleburn a call if that is the case, speak to Matt, and see if you can send the bashring back to have the teeth re-cut. Cheers Adam
  17. The price is now significantly lower than the expected RRP from a few months back
  18. Firmtech only fits firmtech forks (Ie. Magura/Rond) Ads
  19. Heading off to Blackburn now for a bit of a ride... anyone fancy joining us? Just gimme a call. Ads
  20. Looks good Martin Take it you've got a deal from Rav? We haven't got our frames yet you see. Short mods for the win! Ads
  21. Alex is showing off I got 60 wpm, 4.5 mistakes pm. 3 finger typing on one hand and one finger on the other
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