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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. I think it's just coincidence - the 74Kingz has been in testing for at least 3-4 months now, so designs would have been done at least 6 months ago I reckon.
  2. 'Available in Small (waist size 30-32"), Medium (waist size 32-34") Large (waist size 34-36") and Xtra Large (waist size 36-38")' You can't be smaller than that!? hehe
  3. Haha, team issue... sort of They are the Mace shorts: http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2015 Quite pricey but well worth it I reckon, had them for almost a year now. Cheers for the comments guys!
  4. Yep, you can - just needs a 12mm hole instead of the 10mm currently on there. Obviously I can't be seen to recommend that but I see no reason why it wouldn't work!
  5. Haha, well yes! I have a feeling I would have been pretty badly hurt in a pisspot helmet...
  6. The best helmet is one that fits properly! XC-style helmets protect (absorb shock) best, but need replacing after a good hit...
  7. Ello ello, Few pictures from riding tonight: Dave: Bunnyhop... attempted to back wheel but didn't quite make it, so hauled the bike up to 2 wheels (still UCI clean): Nice sidehop: Stan: Gap up to front wheel from the 3-stack in the bottom left of the picture: Nice tap from short run up, made easily.... Same again from a different view, avec tweakage: Little techy move: Sidehop to back wheel from the sloping pallet on the floor: Adam: Gap to front wheel from the blue pallet on the right of the shot: Hook to back wheel: Bunnyhop to back wheel: That's all folks, hope you like The Tarty Boys
  8. Hi Guys, 74Kingz have a new product out. Its a single speed tensioner, but very different to those seen before on the market! Weight is 52g Adam
  9. Much better than our Swedish Your order left about 15 minutes ago Victor Thanks for the comments guys, appreciated. Back to work...!
  10. They're completely different freewheels now! The new ones have been very reliable for us.
  11. Spot on - ordered ours today so should see them soon enough! Adam
  12. 1085 is claimed with the Koxx Forxx, we've measured 1100 with a set of Echo Urbans. Head tube to BB shell is a the best dimension to look at though - you don't hang on to your front and rear axles when riding! Adam
  13. Depends which frame - the 221 Prs are standard 110mm spacing this year. Ads
  14. AdamR28

    Shit Me

    Juan Daniel de la Pena - world UCI number 4 I think... Very beasty, short mods for the win
  15. Yeah, this was posted before those but it's taken a little while for Admin/Mods to approve this topic unfortunately Unsure on price of brake yet, it'll be up on our site as soon as we have one. Cheers Adam
  16. 18:12 you fat knacker, with 170 cranks
  17. Its impossible to get it 100% clean unfortunately, the only way to get full braking performance back is a new rotor. The methods above will help though.
  18. Not really, just Germans make a lot of good stuff, including bearings etc As far as I remember, the Magura patent has either run out or is very close to doing so, I'll have a look on espace later if I get chance. The brake has been in testing and development since 2005. Freewheel looks more similar to a Tensile than an ENO from what I can see, but certainly different to both, after all there's only so many ways to make a good reliable freewheel. Looking forward to seeing the other new components too, especially the BB! Adam
  19. Not released just yet... due in the UK in around a month. No expected price as yet. Adam
  20. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/media.php -> Click the 'Wallpapers' tab
  21. Hi Guys, New Echo parts up on the Echo website. Available in the UK in around one month. http://www.echobike.com Cheers Adam
  22. More filming done tonight with Stan Vid up soon methinks! Cheers for the comments Ads
  23. Don't worry, we've made sure they're working on it :wink2:
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