You can't use DOT fluid with Magura levers or calipers - it kills the seals... I think it'll be very tricky to get braided hose to fit a splitter too unfortunately.
Standard 26" forks are designed or use with that frame, same with the Zoot. The frame is also 135mm spacing at the rear, so you can run a Pro2 Trials, King, whatever...
I've seen that in the past. Try flipping the sprocket over, and if that doesn't work try an older chain for reference. I may be that your new chain needs to stretch a little bit before it meshes correctly with the rear sprocket. Once this has happened you may be able to get another link out of the chain too... Ads
We do! The frame you have uses a standard bashplate mounting system, so either of the Monty bashplates will fit, along with Zona, Onza, and Echo Team. Cheers Adam
Ribos aren't meant to have ankle support - if you want ankle support from a shoe then you need to wear basketball boots or a separate ankle support. The neoprene sock is in place to conform to BIU ankle protection criteria. Cheers Adam
Good old phantom gear... death on a trials bike! The amount of chain stretch you get when gapping tends to make it fall out... Great for normal MTBs though!
Indeed. We offer them FOC on all full bikes with rear Maguras, fitted some to a T-Comp the other day and they were immense. A mate has some on 26" and they're really good also. Both smooth rims. Ah awesome, cheers
So we replaced them for you. The issue is that the braking material is so powerful it can kill the plastic backings over time. Rock Pads have also looked into CNC backings, but this broke the brake cylinders instead!