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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Probably lighter than your GU... and better geo
  2. AdamR28

    Matt Staples

    Nah, it was Matt's... KOT Vid: - 3 Mins 40
  3. Both Vince and Kenny got 3 single dabs though... I think it goes on time then as Luke said...
  4. Same a what Pat said really! Just got home caked in mud, was a great day with FUN sections, good to see old faces and a couple of new ones too Thanks to everyone who organised/set out, looking forward to the last one! Ads
  5. Don't forget, directions here: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=82171 See you bright and early!
  6. New lens this week (hopefully)... might help, haha. Its a bit North of Morecambe. There's some right beast rocks up by the cliff face but they're well dangerous...
  7. Few pics from today, weather was pretty damn warm, hardly any wind down on the quarry floor! You may recognise some of it from one of the TRAEngland vids Cheers to Stan for some of the camera work too! Hope you like Ads
  8. Not suprised looking at the state of it...
  9. Some car show I presume? You fag.
  10. AdamR28


    Ah right, I thought there as something special you needed to do... cheers. Still dunno where we are riding btw lol
  11. Haha... I think that would be a dab in UCI
  12. The back of the main head tube area is chopped off (you can see the fork steerer tube).
  13. I'm all for a multicultural society, but that sort of thing takes it a bit far IMO. I very much doubt that a £100m church would be built in another country if a few English folk went and lived there. The current terror situation makes the decision even more strange too I think, obviously we can't point the finger at muslims for everything that has happened, but as far as I am aware there are links between similar/the same cultures and the attacks? Making our country even more 'friendly' would surely encourage further conflict between the British public and immigrants, spending our money for their purpose. On a similar note, I wonder how many mosques there are already are in London?
  14. Yep, exactly. And second, and third, and fourth... for a good month or so I'd say.
  15. That doesn't mean they are weak, it just means you hit the tube on a wall and dented the frame. The Montys are designed mainly for comp use so their tubes are generally a little thinner than other manufacturer's to make them lighter, doesn't mean they are weak though. A well-designed frame with thin tubes is stronger than a poorly-designed one with thick tubes
  16. Cos he likes his face (well, I guess). Yeah its his 'race' bike.
  17. Wear an elastic band around your wrist and if you start to feel a panic attack coming on, pull it away from your wrist a little and let it flick back... keep repeating it. I can't say I know first hand if it works but I've heard from others it does
  18. AdamR28


    I think he means the sky is 'ghosting' over the rock. Out of interest Dave, how would you stop it doing that?
  19. If only... can't even get any for myself!
  20. You still need insurance though, and there are still bills to pay...! If an internet store had a 'walk in' area that would be the best of both worlds surely?
  21. The Ti axles for those pedals are gold... unless he's taken the gold colouring off or got some others made. Either way its fooking light, just needs to get rid of the frame tail now.
  22. Haha... oohh yeah... will see if Stan fancies it, probably not though as we're off to YMSA tomorrow. Will let you know, cheers!
  23. Bum... you have the old style T-Master rear hub yeah? That's why you can't run them on the inside... most other hubs have more axle sticking out each end to allow you to put the snail cams on the inside.
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