Glad you managed to get hold of some easily You can usually tell if one has gone, the freehub body will feel a bit stiff... then from here it adds extra load to the other bearing and they both go.
They have always been CNC dropouts on the Lite frame As for the threads, fit the bolts with copper grease and don't cross thread them, you'll never strip one then
Just the mod, strangely! Well, it looks like it's because there is a new design which they want to produce asap... but nothing more specific than that. Haha, cheers
Me too, I'd look like a gimp though Yeah, I know what you mean, it's each to their own for sure. I think the main reasons for me have been hit on the head by Rob (Janson).
Sweet vid Matthew! Suprised at how fast you bashed it together Like you said, shame you couldn't film more, but that's what happens when you're too busy riding and having fun *hugs for Ben* I my bike! And so does Phil
Yep. Its glue and a thread. Most hubs just use a thread... so it's actually a better system. First batch freewheel with materials defect, all been recalled, shouldn't have been sold.
20 is well old :wink2: haha. I do feel very old at 24 with all the little kiddies sidehopping houses and barely being able to move in the morning sometimes... but you get over it!
It's just like riding a tiny bike with a seat pushed all the way down, wearing tight jeans, a bowl on your head and a polo shirt... Not meant in a harsh way, its just trials is pretty odd anyway!