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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Yuppers Cheers! Need a proper flash now... didn't bloody arrive
  2. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=104320
  3. Hello! More pics from a decent ride today... was fun Jimmy Mac Martin dropgap After Jim's attempt at the same gap.... hah Martin tap to wheels Jim K rolling gap Martin sidehop Jim messing about for a change Martin tap with gurnage Martin sidehop... NEARLY made it Up to front to endo 90 Rolling gap... ... and landing Me with a bunnyhop gap (cheers for the pic Martin!) Arty one Gap... didn't make it but decent pic I thought, cheers again Martin. Got a 400D in the end with standard 18-55 lens kit by the way Hope you like Ads PS: I too am appauled by the lack of helmets!
  4. AdamR28

    Glynn Phillips

    Nice Great to see some smooth and controlled stylish riding. Looks like a good spot to ride too! Ads
  5. Should be up and running within a few weeks. Rewards scheme is already being worked on as said above
  6. My favourite bit is actually nothing... a hole.
  7. AdamR28


    Are you both locking the cone in place correctly?
  8. AdamR28

    Zhi Forks?

    I would guess... high volume (Levelboss) at Pulo, low volume (Karbon, Coust MKII etc) Taiwan.
  9. AdamR28


    No problem... Might not be as far as you think? http://www.multimap.com/maps/?t=r#t=r&...ester:PR5%206FN (Just in case you haven't had a close look )
  10. Looked horrible, hope it heals... but the video was about 126% un-necessary
  11. Tis a good feature but would take a LOT of time to do (replying to all the questions). Had it down from the start as an idea but didn't implement it due to the amount of hours it would soak up per day... You could also argue that it's just a way of making up for lacking/lazy descriptions. Ching. And we'd feel like frauds editing out all the bad reviews, Tioga Factory DH tyre: 3.81/5? Come off it...
  12. AdamR28

    Zhi Forks?

    Atomz and V!Z are actually quite different, same manufacturer though. Aprebic/Pulo for forks - not France.
  13. I think you're talking about a fully built Czar with a front disc brake and rear rim brake, as shown on the Czar website?
  14. AdamR28

    Adamant Video 1

    I llllllike it! Ads
  15. AdamR28


    There's a few tips and tricks to these things, like everything I guess... Is there any way you can get up to us with your bike? Can show you exactly what to do then, it's a bit complex to try and type out and I don't have any way of getting pictures to try and describe it...
  16. AdamR28


    Its an Onza T-Pro hub, axles may be available separately from Supercycles, give them a call. Axle being slightly bent wouldn't be the cause of cones coming loose, if it's correctly maintained it will stay tight. I would say it's very unlikely a stronger axle is available also, they are 10mm solid steel... you're doing very well/something wrong if you managed to bend it!
  17. Both currently being worked on/implemented
  18. Spode and Dave of ThinkBikes fame came up today and then we went for a ride in Blackburn afterwards. Quite a few pics cos I was playing with my new camera... Ali working hard (obviously not in Blackburn...) Waddy tap, kept on the concrete Ali wedge to up Spode tap Ali hook... about 58" I think Ali gap down Spode up from bench Ali... endo to off, I think Waddy looking about 6 years old Some... illegal substance users giving Waddy £2 Waddy sidehop to back wheel Ali endo/stoppie to off Waddy tap Waddy tweaked drop The lesser spotted Tart hanging... And then up to back wheel Spode up to rear Gayboys in harmony Dave squeaker to drop off Cheers to Waddy for the pics of me! Hope you like 'em Adam
  19. Main problems: - Time. - Stock changes so frequently it would need updating 2, 3, 4 times a month. Has been thought of, but it's not worth doing at the moment!
  20. Brand new stone cutting disc Diamond discs don't work well for harsh grinds.
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