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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Pretty much! They even have a world gurning championship Google it :wink2:
  2. Correct... glue AND thread, most manufacturers just use a thread. Phil will sort you out
  3. Stan's skiving today! And Ali's too busy eating pork... More later.
  4. Ah cool... yeah, first time. Was hideously unimpressed with how many pics I took though, haha, was over 100 to get this many decent ones Edit: Tell a lie, I shot 4 or 5 pics with Mike's (Singleton) camera up at the British a few weeks bacl
  5. Dossing indeed. Takes me longer to turn my camera on on than make a post.
  6. Very rare the geometry on a manufacturer's website is correct though... Will bosh some forks in one tomorrow and let you know :wink2:
  7. If you pop them out the code will be on the bearings Might be exploded diagrams on the Hope website too? Word of warning though, ceramic bearings don't like sudden loads (it is brittle after all) - not idea for a trials bike...
  8. We do... at one point we refused to stop selling stuff to Martin til be bought a helmet
  9. In their own little way, yes
  10. 6 months covering manufacturing defects and materials. PS: It's Ozonys
  11. Give me a call on the tech line if you need more help
  12. How on earth does that work..? Not questioning your involvement Darren, you obviously worked well, but I can't get my head around those numbers... Edit: Unless the existing stores were supporting the new one? That's probably it... would still lose a LOT of money though, madness... Oh, and on subject... working in retail is great apart from the customers
  13. All very good points Nice one.
  14. Yeah, he's got an ENO and a Paul's rear hub, so has Waddy. Edit: But in those pics Ali's using an One-One hub, same as a DMR.
  15. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=89745
  16. AdamR28


    Yeah, he does have Monty bars though which have a lot more rise than ZOOs. Something like an Atomz or Simtra would work well.
  17. Dead easy: http://sg.royalmail.com/portal/rm/PriceFin...ear=pricingcalc Just bash all the details in there. I would go for Airsure or International Signed For. Adam
  18. Haha, it works great and you know it Jim does look a bit like a thug, lol, Martin too come to think of it Cheers Boonertron, Stan does it to front wheel... bitch.
  19. Bit of both for that ride... the auto focus wasn't working too great so I kept trying manual, picture mode was usually manual with auto shutter speed/F value. Why'd you ask Dave?
  20. AdamR28


    They are bloody amazing Hmm... food... erm... chicken breast with BBQ sauce, bacon, cheese and pineapple is awesome, although that's hardly a recipe I made up Can't think of any right now...
  21. Tell me about it... Jim really is very sexy isn't he!
  22. I think you just changed the way a lot of people ride It's true by the way...
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