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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Yeah come on Tomm, you should know, you were receipt number TB0001 after all
  2. You can if you like but you'll be in the wrong place To answer Simon's question, we're past the 'garage/bedroom' stage now in a 2200 sqft unit (you may have seen the pics from our recent move?) and are fortunate enough to be able to offer Stan and Ali enough wages for them to only have one job. Back on track... Shame to see Dave go but we wish him all the best! Like he said though, he hopes that this will not end his involvement in trials
  3. Fancy a bit of a photo-taking session tonight, anyone riding? Think Stan and a few others are going. Ads
  4. That's really not correct... measure the ERDs for me and let me know your hubs then I'll work out the correct lengths for you. http://www.damonrinard.com/spocalc.htm
  5. Oops, will change that now, ta. That too!
  6. The difference between the Czar and Pure is because of the head angle. Base/Limey difference is because the Base has a lower BB and a very steep head angle.
  7. Don't worry about the wheelbase, look at the 'reach' of the frame, from the head tube to the BB shell. This will determine how far apart your contact points on the bike are, which is where the 'length' becomes apparent. Don't forget to take into account the stem too, that makes a huge difference, perhaps more than the frame... The Pure is a short 'reach' frame, the head angle is quite slack.
  8. That's about the only sort of BMX you can do at the minute as well isn't it!? Serious reply.... I *think*, when you're cold blood moves from the extremities (hands, feet) of your body to keep your core temp up? Maybe when you're cold your hands are lighter, and heavier when you are warm?
  9. What are you planning to get them made from?
  10. It's to do with the type of system - 'open' or 'closed'. Simplified, open brakes self adjust with pad wear and closed do not. Open systems are better at coping with heat than closed (theres MUCH more heat in a disc brake than a rim brake!) because the reservoir (there's a rubber diaphragm in there) can contract and expand with the brake fluid.
  11. The issues is that the alloy carrier deforms slightly, causing the rivets to come loose, then you get a wobbly rotor Nothing really to add to what's been said above other than only a small increase in piston diameter causes a massive difference in power increase: A Mono Mini has 20mm piston but Mono Trial has 25mm piston, when you do the maths it gives 54% more leverage!
  12. Hello again! Didn't fancy riding again so took some pictures... Wish I'd have taken my tripod Dave: Manual No hander footjam endo Manual round corner Martin: Dropgap to floor Rolling gap up to back wheel... don't like the pic but sweet move Stan: 180 bunnyhop up kerb from kicker Bunnyhop to manual along block Bunnyhop tweak tyre tap thingy from kicker Bunnyhop to manual again, playing with shutter speed Bunnyhop to manual again (haha) Tweaked bunnyhop from slope Mid-bunny You can guess what this one is? Hope you like... Ads Edit: I want a slave trigger unit thingy now...
  13. The tensioners are available separately. We've had a few local guys fit them and they've been pleased so far.
  14. UN53 = heavier but stronger cos is has a solid axle... UN73 has a hollow axle... I'd go for the UN53
  15. Yes, I believe it will be out this month sometime.
  16. As Danny says, for the bolt to snap putting in in there must have been some resistance somewhere... perhaps the bolt bottomed out in your frame, or it wasn't put in straight? If you wish to send the bolts back to us we can send them back to Pro-Bolt for inspection, just give us a call
  17. Great minds... already decided to stick one in tomorrow, hehe, cheers John
  18. Cheers guys. I ordered a Sigma Super 500 but got sent a 530 for the same price, cant complain! They are Inopias, yep, they're still around just only in a few sizes/colours.
  19. The spokes won't stay in the hub.
  20. Evening, Just got back from a VERY short ride with Ali, only managed to take 11 pics... testing out new flash in the dark for the first time, very impressed with how much difference it makes from the standard one! Little hop to manual line: X-up dropgap off a ~3ft high block: X-up abubaca: Attempted abubaca seatgrab... he'll have it next time... ... when he doesn't land like a sack of spuds and snap the BB Ali being random for a change. More tomorrow hopefully! Ads
  21. The corners where the spokes go into the hub are pretty sharp, even when the hubs and spokes were bedded in together.
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