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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. That's the whole point though, they are different BECAUSE they are different lengths. It's a bit like saying a 5 door version of a car is the same as the 3 door version? It's tricky to make out exactly what the crank arm looks like from the Cleanbikes picture anyway, plus neither show the back...
  2. Me likey There's a few which really stand out for me: 17, 19, 21, 26 and 11 as well I think
  3. Evenin', Just found a load of old clips on my PC so thought I''d chuck them into a ~3 minute video: BoobTube: TV.whopper: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/thetart20 - TartyBikes-Adam-OldClips.wmv (about 40 meg). The song is random, 'Les Meilleur des Mondes' by Tété but I think it goes quite well, pretty summery. You have no idea how close I am to building up another dual disc KOT right now... :$ Ads
  4. Lol, yeah, the dog was quite a good trials dog actually Yeah, I usually do that, the last half of the pics were taken by Stan... although the effect works quite well sometimes I reckon Rowan: Wodge = opposite of wedge, batmannage comes from batman = where you hang on the forks (like a bat) then lunge to back wheel
  5. At least you'll be warm as fook Looking like a tit is what fancy dress is all about, nice one!
  6. Nail... head! Obviously this was October 24th, NOT tonight! (Waddy )
  7. Yeah that ZOO! is mint :wink2: Cool pics guys, wish we still had our indoor
  8. Looks like Monty beat them to it
  9. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=e...p;z=16&om=1
  10. Yeah, was going to do that but they look better on OTN in large... stupid TF and its posh resizey thing I know what you mean about smaller pics though, will probably do it next time to try... Cheers
  11. These are all with manual focus... The auto focus just refuses to work with either lens Hopefully it will in daylight... Thanks for the comments Ads
  12. Hello guys, Dave's been up this way for some random photoshoot/videoing for Loughborough University (tracing graduates etc) so thought we'd go out for a ride tonight Pics taken by myself: Stan gap: Dave mini dropgap: Stan's bike: And the original: Dave manual: Stan setting up for the gap: And gapping: Martin rolling gap up to front wheel: Dave bunnywhop: Stan hanging: Then over the top: Wodging ready for batmannage: My bike with new stem and rotors: Pics taken by Stan: Dave batman to drop: Me setting up for a gap: Mid-gap: And landing (check the tyre fold, hah): Gap back up: Drop: Dave drop to rock then gap back up: Dave 'Etnies Advert' gap: As suggested by photo peeps last time, I took the contrast and saturation down, turned the flash down, moved it further away from the rider and bumped the ISO... any further comments/suggestions welcome! Cheers Adam
  13. Normal Magura hosing + heatshrink + hairdryer = solution
  14. Cool vids though, old vids are always the best
  15. Centre punch and a hammer (punch a hole off centre then knock the head of the bolt round).
  16. No. You'll need a big bit of scaffolding bar or something, 3ft minimum, a couple of spanners won't do the job
  17. Not sure what it was, all I know is that it was another cheapy bundle with built-in graphics. The one I currently have is the same - no AGP slot, just built in graphics. Well, I'm pretty sure that't the case... can get a picture if it's worth doing? Cheers Adam
  18. Sweet, cheers Joe... will have a hunt around for other shops selling it
  19. Man this forum moves fast... haha. Thanks for the help so far guys My old PC wasn't THAT old... 4 years maybe? Still, it died not long after... Any recommendations for a half decent card? The one you linked to Joe (thanks) appears to be discontinued on Dabs and it's pretty pricey on eBuyer... All I need is something that I can stick 2 monitors into, I don't play games or even use CAD on this PC any more. Although... just checked and the only spare slots I have in the motherboard are standard PCI (like those for LAN cards, Firewire cards etc), no AGP slots... that's put a spanner in the works!? Cheers again Adam
  20. AdamR28


    Just spoke to Damon, this is what he said: He sent the first set of stuff (headset, BB, tool) 1st Class Recorded. I couldn't decipher if he said the tracking confirmed it had been signed for at the delivery destination or not (line was pretty bad), but he should be able to clear that up for us. The second parcel was sent standard 1st Class around the time of the strikes, he doesn't think he has a chance of claiming for that/it being seen again. He says he spoke to Royal Mail about this and they have said they cannot do anything because it is too soon. Damon hasn't seen this topic yet but says he will do his best to get to a PC tonight and make a reply. So sit tight and wait for a response!
  21. AdamR28

    Tms Teaser

    TMS = Thibaut Marriaux Show = Parts brand for MBK trials bikes.
  22. AdamR28

    Tms Teaser

    Never thought I'd hear that song on a trials vid, beast! Cool riding, wanna see the full vid now
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