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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Very close, its just next to Costock on the A453 (I think?) between Luff and Notts.
  2. Hehe, alrighty... hope you get something sorted I'm sure Edd will work his magic If you need a hand with it (no bad pun intended!) just give us a shout.
  3. Might feel a bit weird, but if you have the brake set close to the rim you shouldn't... Or you could get a lever blade with a comfy back (Echo etc) it won't matter too much? I used to middle-finger-brake too and it was alright. Cool vid though chaps, t the start I was like 'I'm sure that's Bunny...' - there's a LOT more ramps in there now than there used to be! Nice one Ads
  4. Hehe, nah it's not you I blame Stan Don't say that At least someone will be well chuffed (hopefully)!
  5. I haven't decided yet... sometime Monday night I'm hoping. I'm not sure certain people would like that, I think I'll announce the winning receipt number
  6. Chesty Heavenhooter Scarily similar...
  7. And different legs, and a few other different things! I want riding pics and videos as proof Nick haha
  8. I think we've covered most of a decent bike... to be honest I really don't care if we lose a bit, its just gonna be an awesome day S'only a few pence, the payment section mentions a surcharge for Paypal (cos its completely incompatible with our ordering system and therefore much more labour intensive) but everyone seems to miss that bit
  9. Thanks, it was for the wrong amount but I'll let that slide. We have all the details from purchase, yes. Adam
  10. You can just add a set to the basket and it will tell you (same with anything) £1 I think.
  11. Another vote for that, really good program
  12. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/payment.php
  13. Comp closes midnight on Sunday... draw on Monday hopefully.
  14. Black rims and white rim tapes
  15. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=8888 says... 'Closing date and time for entry is Sunday 2nd December at Midnight. Grips purchased after this time will not count towards raffle entry.'
  16. www.interparcel.com are a little more expensive than some, but online booking and they're always on time.
  17. No problem Dan Looks good, minimal green for the win!
  18. I think he got stuck in a really tight pair of jeans, then it rained, and they squeezed him to death when they shrunk?
  19. We're off to Shipley Glen chaps... welcome to come if you can find transport, all out cars are full so far Ads
  20. I think all the picture sets loop through, clicking on the left or the right side of them goes forward or back in the loop. Site looks cool Dave, now get some more frames in
  21. Just south of Preston, not too far from you guys Think we'll be heading off to some natural today... not sure where or what time yet though! Will let you know
  22. Don't fully rape it! Planning on riding somewhere but no idea where yet...!
  23. You know it makes sense! I don't think I ever used modandstocktrials but I remember many evenings camped on the Trialskings forum awaiting new posts... There's plenty of 'oldies' about (I'm 24 now) so you won't feel out of place :wink2: Ads
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